Chapter Twenty-Two

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‘It was,’ Aadarshini said. ‘Two of them, no doubt they've gone to report back to their lords.’ The three of them put their heads together and began discussing in low rapid voices that made it difficult for Ajiona to discern what they were saying. She looked over to Pragya, her irritation set aside as curiosity and bewilderment took over. She'd never thought her teachers knew each other or even had discussions; but here were three of them, talking as if they had been friends for years.

The low murmuring stopped and the three turned to Ajiona at the same time, she fought the urge to shrink into herself at the intent gazes.

‘Report to their lords…’ Ajiona prompted.

‘Yes, about you. You see sweet child, you are the new juicy factor, the one they'll all be talking about. No doubt Maharani Pavni would try to befriend you.’ Gandhari explained.

‘Not before Maharani Snigda tries to collect her,’ Takshika interjected with her impatient snap.

‘Collect me,’ Ajiona repeated, bemused. She wasn't sure about her stance on being a juicy news or being collected but they don't sound like things that would be for her benefit.

‘Yes collect you. Maharani Snigda would try that, with every visit she finds new fools to put in her pocket. We've managed to weed out most but there are still some left.’ Aadarshini said but all was adding to Ajiona's confusion. Weed out! Who exactly were her teachers?

Gandhari noticed her look and smiled sympathetically. ‘Maybe we should start from the beginning. Who the Maharanis are so you would understand where the balance of power lie.’

‘Yes please.’

‘Let us begin with Maharani Panchali, there is nothing to fear from her. She isn't concerned with statecraft but with proper royal conduct. Although her daughter Isha is just like her father, cunning and you'd do well to guard yourself around her. She might be smitten with Yuvuraju Bhallaladeva but it doesn't mean her senses have been clouded by infatuation. She would do anything for her father and at the same time anything to ensure she marries Bhallaladeva even blackmail. Though she already dislikes you, she will try to wring information out of you while she is doing that make sure you attempt the same on her.’

‘Maharaja Ohas’ daughters are exactly as they seem. Spineless.’ Takshika said quickly with a derisive note in her voice.

Aadarshini continued: ‘Maharani Sahja looks like she would swoon and she might swoon if she is asked to ride a horse or sees blood or violence but when it comes to statecraft she is as hard as the mountain; she alone controls the spy network and the administration of Bhanumati. Her weak spot is she dotes too much on her daughter and Rajkumari Tannaya is exactly as she seems, a frail bird. Maharaja Bodhan is a toothless old dog, he has no interest in his kingdom or that much power in the affairs so Maharani Pavni effectively rules the country with her concubine Mahamantri Vikram, instead of her sons, her daughter is being groomed as the next ruler. Maharani Pavni despite her skills as a ruler is deathly scared of offending our Rajmata and she worships her; she will try to befriend you and maybe try to persuade Rajmata to marry you off to her son to further cement the ties between Anga and Mahishmati. And at last we come to Maharani Snigda, of all the maharanis she is the one to be truly wary of. She is shrewd and sensual and uses both effectively, she has no affection for her children or husband but sees them as a means of gaining power. She craves power and is willing to do anything to get it, including treason and war,’ Aadarshini placed emphasis on treason and war and gazed significantly at Ajiona.

‘She wants Mahishmati.’ Ajiona said with realisation.

‘Yes, a bit ambitious but Snigda doesn't care. She has been collecting ministers and high ranking officials of Mahishmati for years with gold, her body and promises of power. She will try to collect you with this three and if they don't work she'll use her stepson. Of her family, he is the only one she cares about and there is an unnatural relationship between the two. He is handsome, he is desirable and it's likely you'd be taken with him.’

Ajiona opened her mouth to refute that claim and announce she already had her eyes set on another Prince equally handsome and desirable but far away from charming. The thought brought a blush to her cheeks and her teacher interpreted it as her burgeoning affection for Yuvuraju Lavan.

‘It's understandable,’ Gandhari said kindly. ‘But don't let him distract you from your mission, which would be to collect as much information from the Maharanis as possible. You are a charming and brilliant child, you'll be able to with much ease. Did you not keep it secret from me that you can understand our language already in order to gain knowledge.’

Ajiona stared at all of them, Gandhari was  smiling, Aadarshini was looking expectant and Takshika was looking haughty. ‘You aren't telling me everything.’

‘We've told you what you need to know.’ Aadarshini told her.

‘What if I refuse to collect information?’

‘You can't,’ Aadarshini said sharply. ‘The order for you to do this came directly from the Rajmata herself and if you refuse to do this it would be seen as treason and she would be sorry to have to execute you. She is rather fond of you.’

Ajiona glowered at them feeling the heat of anger again. There was a moment or two of tense silence. ‘So!’ Ajiona snarled, so sudden that Takshika jumped. ‘What am I allowed to know to keep my head on my neck?’ She asked with bitter anger.

‘Their likes and dislikes,’ Aadarshini was unfazed by her display to anger and it only made Ajiona angrier. She fumed as Gandhari listed their likes and dislikes, she barely listened, preoccupied she was with her rage against Rajmata Sivagami.

‘This brings us to the matter of you household.’

‘It's no concern of yours what goes on in my household,’ Ajiona growled. ‘That is Pragya’s concern as she's the head of the household.’

‘A good decision but we aren’t concerned about the way you are running it but the conspicuous absence of relevant members, spies.’

‘I don't see the need for spies,’ Ajiona said hotly knowing fully well that she did need some of her own.

‘Don’t see the need for spies,’ Takshika echoed with amusement then burst into a derisive chuckle. Ajiona turned to look at her intently and the laughter trailed off, a look of fear coming into the music teacher’s face for she had seen something in Ajiona's eyes that was deadly. Perhaps she was remembering Ajiona was a proficient warrior and could murder her with the ease of snapping a twig.

‘You do see the need,’ Aadarshini said softly. ‘You are not stupid so don't try to pretend to us that you are.’

‘Has the Rajmata decide to loan me some?’ Ajiona asked scathingly, disliking all of them at the moment, Sivagami the most of all. More and more she was feeling less in control of her life, almost like a puppet, with no choice, responding to the whim of the puppeteer.

‘No we will. The samsthánámantevásinah - institute of espionage- has decided to loan you some for a short while until you are ready to choose yours.’

Ajiona cocked her head to a side as she realised something. ‘You are spies, aren't you?’

Gandhari’s smile was that of a proud mother. ‘You fooled a spy dear child.’

‘A particularly good one, she was the top of our class,’ Aadarshini added.

Ajiona didn't feel particularly proud at the moment, just hurt, cold and alone. She glanced at Pragya, wondering if she was a spy as well. Was anything real and in her control in this world? She was near tears but refused to humiliate herself further by weeping, so she took a deep breath and asked.

‘So I'm to collect information?’


‘Alright, I will obey Rajmata’s command.’

SamsāraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ