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~Rose's POV~

        I was having a brilliant day dream about what college would be like and the new people I'd meet, as well as dreaming up new book ideas, when I was interrupted by some guy staring at me. He had platinum blonde hair that was a tad shaggy, but that was probably just from the fuss of getting on a plane. Next, I noticed his deep, dark blue eyes that seemed to hold a million hidden emotions. Last, I noticed his thick, brown winter coat with fluff all around the collar, protecting his next. His skin was rather pale too. Almost as pale as mine. I finally decided to speak because his stare was lingering on things it should not.

        "My eyes are up here, sir," I stated sternly, not even flinching under his harsh gaze.

        "Sorry," he muttered.

        "It's okay, just don't let it happen again," I replied with a tone as harsh as his stare. His voice contained a thick Belarusian accent.

        "Since we're going to have to deal with each other for a while, do you mind if I ask for your name?" The odd man's gaze was a little less harsh, but not as much. At least it didn't look like he was stripping me with his eyes anymore.

        "Rose. The name is Rose Grenheld," I replied sweetly and offered my hand for him to shake, "Yours?"

        "Nikolai Arlovskaya," the man, apparently named Nikolai, said back, "Where are you headed?"

        "Minsk, Belarus."

        "Same, do you live there?"

        "No, you?"

        "Actually, I do. My two brothers are visiting from Ukraine and Russia to see me. We're headed back from visiting an... acquaintance in America," well, that explains the Belarusian accent.

        "That's an awfully long way to go for an acquaintance."

        "We had some business with him." So the acquaintance is a 'him'.

        "So... how old are you?" I thought it might be a little too bold but, meh. It's not like I was going to see the guy again.

        "Bold question. I'm twenty-two. How old are you?"

        "Nineteen, or I will be in two months."

~Nikolai's POV~

        Wait one second, this girl is only just about to turn nineteen?! Why is she going to Belarus on her own then?! I had no idea why but I didn't like the idea of this girl out on her own, unprotected.

        "Why are you going to Belarus at such a young age, alone?"

        "College," she replied simply.

        "What?! But if you're eighteen then you're fresh out of high school!"

        "Apparently, my grades were so good that a lot of colleges worldwide got wind of me and wanted me in their programs. This one writing college in Minsk had a really good program with everything I want, including exposure so I can already become known while still learning. It's a really great opportunity and, since I got a scholarship, it's free! Which means no financial strain on my parents," she sighed contently. Then her deep hazel eyes turned a little sad, like she just remembered something that upsets her. I don't honestly know why I care at all whether or not she's sad. Maybe it's just because I don't want a crying baby next to me the entire flight. Yeah, that's defiantly it.

Guard Dog (Male!Belarus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now