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Izuku had his heart broken twice in the span of one week. Once by his childhood friend, then again by his (supposed) soulmate. He felt like the world was crashing down on him but kept a smile on his face because he had gotten into Yuuei, he was going to become a hero.

He needed to focus on his dream and keep those matters for later. Like Kacchan.

Stubborn, fiery Kacchan who had looked just as disappointed as Izuku when he found his soul mark on that blistering night. Devoted, angry Kacchan who had climbed the ranks of the class and easily became one of their top students. Bold, vigorous Kacchan who never gave up, no matter what was thrown his way.

It might seem wrong, with their muddled past, but Izuku looked up to him. He wanted to be as brave and strong as Kacchan was and hoped that one day, Kacchan would stand and fight beside him, no matter their past.

His soulmate was almost the complete opposite of Kacchan. He was stoic, full of internal emotions, and the type to always be around when help was needed. Todoroki Shouto, the ice king. Izuku didn't know very much about him when they met. His first time ever talking to him Todoroki had proclaimed that they were soulmates, showed him their matching mark, and proceeded to say he had no desire to pursue any sort of romantic relationship with him.

Izuku, stunned, small, and timid, agreed and struggled slowly to move on. It wasn't until the sports festival that Izuku realized why Todoroki had said such a thing.

They were soulmates, but they weren't real soulmates.

After extensive research and more than a few pages of notes, Izuku found the answer he was looking for. In cases with quirks like his and Todoroki's, there was a possibility of having multiple soul marks. Since Todoroki was only using half of his quirk and Izuku didn't use his quirk to its full potential, they were both stuck in a sort of limbo and so a soul mark incased itself on them as a sort of halfway mark: a soul mark of friendship.

Izuku's mind finally eased but his heart took many more months, having been tossed around in a maddening game of hot potato. Soon, towards the later part of his time in Yuuei, he mastered One for All and gained his true soul mark right along the right side of his neck. At that time Todoroki had come up and silently congratulated him, having found the soul mark they shared had disappeared.

Izuku moved on. He became strong. He strived towards becoming a pro hero like Kacchan. He wanted to help people and give them something to strive towards and dream about, just like All Might had done for him.

He had moved on.


"Deku, over here!" Uraraka shouted, waving Izuku over to the table she was sitting at.

Izuku walked over with a smile, drink already waiting on his side of the table. They made a point to meet up at least once a week at this coffee shop and sit at one of their outdoor tables to talk about what was going on in their lives. Iida and Todoroki came occasionally, but they usually met up as a whole at a different time.

The moment Izuku sat down Uraraka's mouth opened."I saw you defeat that villain two days ago! God, I was so scared for you...No matter how much Yuuei trained us, being out in the field is so different!"

"Yeah, you're right," Izuku scratched the back of his head nervously."I was really scared too."

"You didn't seem like it! You were amazing, Deku! That was the first villain you took down on your own, right?"

"Yeah..." Izuku was blushing furiously. He never was very good with praise.

"You're going to be so much more popular now," Uraraka, one of Izuku's number one fans, cheered."People may even start asking you for your autograph!"

"I-I think it's already started," Izuku murmured, blushing further."Some girls asked me for my number the other day..."

Uraraka paused, eyes widening. She then started laughing, Izuku growing confused as her breathing became heavy and she struggled to stop herself.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"D-Deku..." Uraraka struggled to catch her breath."Those girls were hitting on you!" She gave him a light slap to the shoulder."Really...Your baby face is gone. You've gotten bigger, more mature. People are going to start turning heads cause of how good you look."

Their was an awkward silence after that.

Uraraka had confessed to Izuku back at Yuuei. She had asked to see his soul mark and when he had shown her, they didn't match. Then Izuku had rejected her softly, not because they weren't soulmates, but because he didn't think he could feel anything romantic towards her, or woman in general.

They stayed friends, but there was still a rift when breaching the topic of romance. It had smoothed out over the years but every so often it slipped up, creating the rift it was right now.

Uraraka, clearly distressed, attempted to change the topic."I-I heard Todoroki found his soulmate! Crazy, isn't it, how everyone's getting older?"

Izuku was about to respond when two rather loud girls passed by their table.

"The soul mark was on his neck?"

"Yeah, crazy, isn't it? His mask slipped up and someone caught it on camera. Everyone's been talking about it."

Uraraka and Izuku paused, staring at reach other with wide eyes. Izuku quickly grasped a hand around the right side of his neck right where his soul mark lied.

"It cant be..." Uraraka hushed, eyes widening.

Izuku stood up hastily, Uraraka quickly following behind him."There's only one way to find out," he said, heart pounding out of his chest and his body spread with nerves.

He thought meeting his soulmate might become a natural thing but maybe, sometimes, a little push was necessary.

A/N: It's time for the long awaited sequel! I hope this chapter cleared up some questions from the last story and hope you enjoy!
-Katlnn Rotato

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