Chapter Two:

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Ninjago City:

"Come on, Bree!" Lloyd tried to encourage as I lividly dusted off the furniture, "You can't quit, now! Who else is gonna help me while the guys are out?"

"Just get Nya or Sensei to do it, Lloyd."

"But Nya and Sensei won't be back for another day!" the blonde reminded me, "and what about all the fun we had since you started helping me on the dummies? Plus, you--"

The phone began to ring, cutting him off.

"--Ugh, who could that be?" I asked, "Put a pin in it for a minute, Lloyd."

I went over and picked it up.

"You've reached the Ninja," I answered, "What's the emergency?"

"Bree, it's Cole!" I could hear the earth ninja yell on the other line, "The Serpentine just finished robbing the bank and we have no idea where Jay is!"

"I thought you were guarding the place, what happened?" I asked.

"I don't know! They must've burrowed underneath or something; I heard them saying something about the subway, so we're heading to the train station right now. Can you meet us there?"

"But, what about Lloyd?"

"Last I checked, you said you quit training him," he pointed out, "There's no time to worry about that right now, Bree! Hopefully, Nya and Sensei can get home soon enough to watch over him!"

"In that case, I hate to leave things to hope, but I'm on my way."

"Don't waste any time."

With that, I hung up the phone, rushing to the door.

"Where are you going?" Lloyd asked, "Who was that, and what about me?"

"That was Cole; the Serpentine robbed the bank and Jay's gone; they need me over there."

"But, I need you here!" Lloyd argued, "Who's gonna train me, now?"

"I'll figure it out on the way to the train station," I dismissed, "There's no time, Lloyd; I've gotta--"

I cut myself off, staring at the window.

There on the carriage outside the window was Skales.


He began knocking on the glass as I held Lloyd close to me.

"Come on," I instructed, "to the door."

Unfortunately, there was one problem. Soon as I twisted the doorknob, the security system was activated.

"Door is locked." said the AI, that was connected to the port system controlling the door. I put in the security pin to open it, but it didn't budge.

We then heard the sound of glass shattering, and turned frantically to see Skales slithering towards us, his golden staff in his hand.

"What do you want with us?!"

"Not the girl!" Skales growled, looking at me, "You would be a wassste of my time!"

He then looked to the blond.

"You sssseem to be the only thing your father cares about!" he continued, "but with you as my hostage, he'll have no other choice but to let me lead the Serpentine! Hyah!"

He slithered closer, glancing at the kid.

"Let'sss train."

"Not a chance," I spoke up, stepping in front of Lloyd, "I'm the only one who trains him."

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