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As usual the four girls met up at the cafe across their campus where their presence can always be spotted with loud chatters and tons of pair of eyes glaring at them for always being so loud.

"Yah Lisa" Chaeyoung tried to contain her giggles as she tried to sound tough like an older figure trying to gain authorisation but failed to do so as burst of laughters came out from her mouth.

"Yah Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa mimicked the older girl her voice echoing all over the place which in return they received a lot of shushing telling them to quiet down.

The three girl's eyes widen by this as Lisa kept bowing and giving her apologetic smile to those people glaring at them, and with this they continued to giggle and made fun of each other.

"Our class is almost starting we need to go guys or we'll all end up in detention again and that would waste our time, now we don't want that don't we?"

In the middle of their laughter Jisoo reminded the younger ones about their class as they seem to not be planning on leaving this place any soon. Glancing at their wrist watch Jisoo was right, agreeing upon this they all stood up and made their way to the campus.

Eyes where on them, Jennie and Lisa where always the popular ones as to Jisoo and Chaeyoung they stayed lowkey not wanting the attention of the public but seems like both Jennie and Lisa loved the attention. Winking at those fan girls here and there as they squeal annoyingly, Jisoo and Chaeyoung could only roll their eyes.

They sat on their designated places and surprisingly their professor wasn't there yet, they did their own thing, Lisa trying to annoy Chaeyoung, Jennie flirting with everyone, and then there's Jisoo sitting on the corner fully engrossed by the book she've been reading for the past few days.

"Uhh Jisoo-ssi?"

Jisoo looked up from her book and there a tall guy stood in front of her scratching his neck looking slightly nervous.

"Umm yeah?"

"I-I would like to ask you to be my prom date i-if you're cool w-with it"

Oh yeah prom, Jisoo clicked her tongue realising prom was approaching soon and she had yet to decide what dress to wear but of course her friends would help her so she's in good hands.

"I'll think about it" she said softly not trying to be rude and the guy understood as he nodded his head smiling.

"Sure take your time" with this the guy made his exit just the right time as their professor arrived.

Time flew fast and before they knew it the group of four girls where now on the cafeteria eating again, Jisoo couldn't comprehend how these girls are always hungry, always wanting to order so much but could only consume so little and with this Jisoo would always finish the foods they left abandoned not wanting to waste it.

"So guys who are you going to prom with?" Lisa enthusiastically asked her eyes sparkling and Jisoo could only roll her eyes in response.

"Bet Chaeyoung doesn't have anyone to go with" Lisa added which made Chaeyoung glare at her crossing her arms.

"For your information Manoban tons of people already asked me" Chaeyoung smirked at her giving her a smug smile but of course Lisa wouldn't back down that easily.

"Oh really? Like who? That section C guy who's always been a loser?" Lisa retorted, of course Lisa knew all of Chaeyoung's admirers and she's confident she could out do all of them. Okay maybe too overly confident.

"Lets be real, that guy is hot and good looking as fuck why call him a loser so you could out do him? Too desperate Manoban? I knew you like me" This left Lisa speechless maybe because it was true and with this Chaeyoung's smirk grew wider.

"If you wanted to be my prom date you could've just asked you know" Chaeyoung said in a confident tone knowing Lisa was now under her control.

"Well then will you be my prom date?" Lisa suddenly asked and this caught Chaeyoung off guard as she choked on her soda.

"Ehh? Okay then if you insist" Chaeyoung tried to play it cool but they all know deep down she was in a state where her sanity is barely hanging on.

"Smooth" both Jennie and Jisoo commented.

With overly joyed Lisa she yelled loudly saying Park Chaeyoung is going to be her prom date making Chaeyoung blush and smack the younger girl telling her to shut up or else she'll take it back and it was enough to calm down the hyped girl.

"How about you Jennie unnie?" Lisa asked and Jisoo froze by this, surely a lot of people had already asked Jisoo but she never responds to any of them as of course she's waiting for a certain person to ask her somehow hoping for the impossible thing to happen.

Jennie eyed Jisoo for awhile as Jisoo gripped her spoon tightly not ready for her answer, Jennie shrugged her shoulder and answered nonchalantly.

"Well Nayeon asked me and I kinda nodded my head so I guess she's my prom date?" Jennie scratched her head unsure and looking awkward as ever.

Jisoo felt it inside her, how upset she is but tried to brushed it off, why did she even hoped? Foolish.

"How bout you Chu unnie?" Lisa pried insisting on knowing about her friends date.

"I still have none"

"Don't try fooling us I bet tons of guys had asked you already"

"Well I'm not feeling any of them so whatever"

Jisoo saw Jennie giving her a meaningful look but she tried to pay no attention to her because she knows what the girl was telling her and she doesn't want to face it.

"We'll help get you a date unnie whether you like it or not right Chae?"



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