The Timetable

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I slowly turned off of my right side on to my back, I squinted at the clock, Lily was snoring in the bed to my left, I looked to my right Teddy was laying awake. "Teddy?" I whispered, "You O.K over there?" There was a moments silence, she turned over to face me "This is the first time I've slept in a room without Merida" She said faintly, she looked sad "I miss her already" She said I slid out of bed and stumbled over to her, tripping over my own feet and the foot of her bed frame, I gave a big hug, after a few minutes we let go of eachother. "Alright?" I asked "Yeah" she saild, then started laughing "What?" I asked Teddy held up a finger telling mme to wait while she composed herself "Not very stable in the morning are you?" We both started roaring with laughter, eventually falling on the floor, with the sharp thuds Lily sat straight up in her bed "Whats going on?" She asked sleepipy her eyes scanned the room until she found us on the floor, hardly breathing for laughter, she rolled her eyes and laughed at the sight of us, "Come on you two," She said, throwing her pillow at us "We might as well start getting ready" Teddy and I picked ourselves of the floor, still laughing, and followed Lily to the bathroom.

When we were washed, dressed and ready, we made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast, we took out seats at the Gryffindor table I saw Teddy searching the Ravenclaw table for Merida, but with no such luck, I squeezed her arm "Don't worry, we'll see her at some point" I said reassuringly, she nodded, I don't know wether she was entirely convinced or not. I put some sausages and scrambled egg on my plate as James, Sirius, Remus and a mousy looking boy joined us, "Morning" James said brightly I smiled through my mouthfull of egg, "Looking forward to lessons?" Remus asked, I swallowed and nodded as they took their seats, Teddy peered at the mousy boy "Who's this" She asked, nodding at him "I'm Peter Pettigrew" He said, he had a high, squeaky voice, I was glad he didn't talk a lot, because with a voice like that I'd have to kill him if he did. We carried on eating and talking, apart from Peter, he just shoveling more and more food in his mouth, I ignored him completely and so did the boys, Teddy however, kept shooting him disgusted glances, fortunatley he didn't notice but I still had to nudge her and tell her to stop. After breakfast we got our timetables, it read;

Calloway, Azura Academic Timetable:

Monday: Transfiguration (With Slytherin) History Of Magic (With Ravenclaw) break Potions (With Hufflepuff) Muggle Studdies (With Ravenclaw) lunch Charms (With Slytherin) Flying Lesson (With Hufflepuff)

Tuesday:  Double Muggle Studdies (With Ravenclaw) break Potions (With Hufflepuff) Flying Lesson(With Slytherin) lunch History Of Magic (With Hufflepuff) Charms (With Ravenclaw)

Wednsday: Potions (With Ravenclaw) Transfiguration (With Hufflepuff) break Transfiguration (With Slytherin) Charms (With Hufflepuff) lunch Flying Lesson (With Ravenclaw) History Of Magic (With Hufflepuff)

Thursday: Muggle Studdies (With Hufflepuff) Charms (With Ravenclaw) break Flying Lesson (With Hufflepuff) History Of Magic (Slytherin) lunch Double Potions (With Slytherin)

Friday: Double Potions (With Slytherin) Flying Lesson (With Hufflepuff) break Transfiguration (With Ravenclaw) History Of Magic (With Slytherin) Lunch Double Muggle Studdies (With Ravenclaw)

I scanned the list of lessons, "It's a good job all Gryffindors are together" Sirius said, "I wouldn't be able to deal with Slytherins first thing on a Monday morning" Remus and Peter laughed, Teddy and I rolled our eyes, James nodded "I'd have to take a shotgun" He said, sounding dead serious, "Woah, James, thats dark!" Teddy said, James rolled his eyes "Come on, you now I'm joking!" He said, "Or am I?" He added, We all fell about laughing and headded off for Transfiguration. We met up with Lily, who was waiting outside the classroom door with a greasy, black-haried boy from Slytherin, they we're talking animatedly until Lily spotted me over his shoulder "Hey Azura!" She shouted, waving, she ran past the boy came to me, he walked sullenly behind, "Who's this?" He asked, his voice was moodier than his face, if that was humanly possible, "Oh," She said "Severus, this is Azura, Azura this is Severus" I smiled and said Hi, he just stared blankly back at me, I shrank back behind Lily, quite oblivious Severus' cold greeting she carried on the conversation, allwing me to get involved, Severus did talk to me, the more we spoke, the more I found out he was quite nice, and that he and Lily had been friends many years, he was the one who realised she was a witch and introduced her to the wizarding world. A few minutes later Professor McGonnagall stepped out of the classroom and waved us in.

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