Blue Eyes

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You'd never expect for the ones who you love go hurt you the most.
You'd never expect for the ones you love, the ones you've known your whole life, to be the one to hurt you.
Ha. Funny, right?
See, Atticus's flower had always been pure. A pure, small, bright baby pink. It was weird for a girls flower to be such a light and bright color, or really anyone's flower to be that color. Normally people with bright colors tended to end in bad things. Bad things everyone had to spend millions of hours to try and wire it from their brain.
Now that's what Atticus basically had to do with her whole life. Everyone, including her own twin, had normal sized flowers. They were all either normal yellows, purples, greens, blues, oranges, and even black and white occasionally.
For as long small Atticus could remember, everyone bragged over their offspring's flowers. They flaunted around them, then daydreamed of how their kids would grow up to be doctors or presidents one day. That was for everyone except Atticus. Atticus's mother, Ruby, hated her. She hated her because of the pure flower she was destined with.
Now, Atticus and her twin, Wren, are fifteen. The age of fifteen in this world is typically when they started volunteering places so they could get credit for college.
Atticus was rather anxious compared to her brother. Wren had volunteered at the towns nursery, where the orphaned babies went. There wasn't a whole lot of children there this year, so it'd be easy.
"Atty, cmon. You have to choose something." Wren's gentle, yet excited words bounced through the black haired girls' ears.
In front of her on the kitchen table was a list of places she could volunteer at. The girl gripped onto the black pen that was in her hand as she read through the list again.
Her eyes landed on one. It was rather weird, it was called "Watch N Report." Of course that was rather simple, but for some reason it intrigued Atticus.
She placed her finger on it, looking up at him.
"What's this one?"
Wren blinked as he pushed up his glasses, bending over her a bit to look at the words. He then flicked the page over to find the description.
"Aha," He cooed, pointing at it, "basically where you go watch and hang out with troubled kids and report what you learn."
Wren's facial expression suddenly turned to worry.
"Atty, are you sure you'd want to do that one?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, I mean.."
There was a hesitant look on his face, causing Atticus to frown. She opened her hand up, the flower in her hand glowing brightly.
"That's why, isn't it?"
Wren turned away from her, obviously rather fidgety.
"We're all just worried, that's all."
Atticus flinched. She knew she worried him because of her flower, but she couldn't do anything about it.
"Trust me, I'll be fine, Wren."


Soon came Monday. The day Atticus got to attend her first day at volunteering. Wren was dropped off first at the nursery, along with about five other kids. Slowly, everyone was dropped off the bus at their destinations.
Great, she had to choose one where she and only a few other kids were the last ones off the bus.
Soon enough, they arrived to their destination, each student left filing off the bus.
Atticus looked up at the large building, which was a literal prison looking thing. It had barbed wire fencing and police cars lined outside. It was a black building that was couple stories high. Atticus shook her head as she followed the other students through the security, since they all had been there before other than her.
A rather long twenty minutes later into filing paper work, Atticus finished. She followed a guard down to the commons room where they kept a variety of kids from 8 to 17.
The guard typed a password into the double doors, a click sounding then the doors opening. Loud chatter instantly filled Atticus's ears as they entered the large room. She stared around curiously, taking it all in.
"Cruise said to go to the group at the table," the guards words rang through her mind. She looked towards where he was pointing. There was a group of about six boys sitting and chattering, laughing at one another as it seemed they were playing some game.
"Got it."
Atticus cleared her throat and moved towards the group, catching the eyes of one of the boys. A boy with the brightest blue eyes and the brightest red hair you'd ever see. A whistle came from him, causing the others to turn over.
"You our new guard?" One of the boys let out a purr, his eyes trailing over her.
Atticus let out an amused snort, pausing near the table. She gripped her clip board with her left hand, her right hand playing with the glove on it.
"Guess you could say that, yeah." She nodded after a moment, looking at the stack of cards that was in the middle of the table.
"Well pull up a chair, pretty lady." The same boy with the vibrant blue eyes and pure red hair smirked, making each boy at the table make room for her. Atticus did as she was told, stealing an empty chair from another table and pulling it up. She plopped back, sitting criss-cross-applesauce.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Lakota." The blue eyed boy grinned. He then pointed to each boy. Apollo, Daniel, Felix, Xander, and Cyrus.
Atticus was spacing out after writing down each boy's names, not listening. She felt a nudge on her shoulder, blinking. She looked up, seeing every boy was showing off their flower. They all had normal colors.
Atticus prayed they wouldn't ask for hers, since she knew how most typically reacted to that.

"So, pretty lady, show us yours."

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