Chapter 11: Beetroots are purple...

Start from the beginning

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" he seems really reserved, but I think he's nice.

"Well, I like to play footballl, I'm on the team," he says proudly.


"Yeah, you should come and watch a game," he tells me excitedly.

"Oh, yeah, I will. Maybe I'll bring my brothers or something," I nod.

"Really?" he seems suprised.

"Yeah," I laugh. "Of course."

"And, um, I just thought of this, and I know we don't know each other that well but I was wondering if, maybe, you'd go to the after party with me, so that we could get to know each other?" he asks nervously. He's right, I don't know him, but maybe after going to a party with him... I would know him.

"Oh, um, sure. You mean, like a date?" I say, Glenna glares back at us. Noah nods. "Yeah. I think that sounds good! Ok, is it this Friday?"


"Then its a date!" I say and we smile at each other.


I don't know if it was the right decision to say yes... I don't really know Noah and I've never really had a boyfriend before...

I decide to call Adele. 

"Hey gurl- what's wrong?" Adele sees my face.

"Well, I kind of said yes to going on a date with a guy-" I'm interrupted by my best friend's scream. I hear her parents yell at her to be quiet and she's about to apologize when Bubbles bursts into my room.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GOING ON A DATE WITH NOAH ROSS?" she screams. I rush over to the door, close it, and shush her. 

"He asked me. He seems like a pretty nice kid. Its not official or anything, just a party or something," I explain and she brings my laptop over to my bed, placing it on the pillows and lying down. She pats the spot next to her and I lie down. 

"Do you even know who he is?" Bubbles asks me, scrolling through her Instagram.

"Isn't he just a shy guy that hangs around with the jocks?"

"What the hell Natalie? He's the jock of the school," she gapes at me.


"How the hell don;t you know that?" 

"Well, he's shy when he speaks to me and he doesn't look like the Hulk."

"Haven't you heard everyone? Noah Ross this, Noah Ross that, blah, blah, blah."

"Woah, woah, woah," Adele interrupts us. "Show me a picture Bubbles," Bubbles shows her the phone and Adele gapes at me when Bubbles takes it away from her. "How in the world did you not know he's a jock?"

"Huh?" I say, confused. Bubbles shows me the photo and I gape at it. Noah is sitting on a pool chair with a beer and his shirt of. Sunglasses cover his eyes and his hair is longer than usual. His biceps are on full display and so is his torso. "He doesn't look like that at school," I say truthfully.

"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into," Bubbles tells me. I don't understand why he acted shy I think to myself as Bubbles scrolls through his Instagram and I see pictures of him jumping off cliffs and getting drunk with his mates. Oh God

"Oh no," I hold my face in my hands before looking up. "Maybe he won't be so bad once I get to know him? He'll act shy then maybe warm up."

I nod to myself. "Well, he won't be as good to you as a certain someone," Bubbles tells me.

"Yeah, what happened to Alex?" Adele asks me. 

"I don't like him! He was never an option," I tell them, frustrated. 

If only it was that easy to convince myself...


Hi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry, it was pretty short. 

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Read my friend's books! They're AWESOME! in no particular order:

Hide and Seek - snowblizzard32

Lost - snowblizzard32

Bumping into you - Ajhk22

Wolfstar - yoitstortles

Isabel Mellark - nonoainhoa

Fandom Parodies - Nefarious_999


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