Meeting A Hero

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-10 years later-
(Your now 14 as an FYI)
(Y/n) was currently walking with Midoriya to school. They had become the best of friends ever since that day all those years ago. Their parents had also became great friends thanks to their children's friendship. (Y/n) had broken through his shell a little however, the only people he'd really talk to were his Dad and Midoriya still he was far more talkative than he used to be. Amidst their conversation Midoriya says.
Midoriya:"I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact you always wear a jacket."
(Y/n) then responds through his scarf.
(Y/n):"I get cold, okay."
Midoriya decides not to point out the fact it's 80 outside as he knows the reason for him being cold is due to his quirk. The two then comes across what happen to be villain causing ruckus. (Y/n) and Midoriya wade through the crowd to see how this is going to play out. (Y/n) is watching right along with Midoriya as Dead Arms, Kamui Woods, and Backdraft begin to handle the situation. (Y/n) enjoys seeing pro heroes at work though, Midoriya loved seeing heroes in action just a little bit more. In fact he kept a notebook of knowledge about most if not all of them. (Y/n) knows there's even a page about him in it. They both watch eagerly as Kamui Woods looks like he is gonna apprehend the villain that is until, a giant kick comes out of nowhere of which knocks the villain down. The one to take Kamui's moment was Mt Lady. Though if you didn't know her name prior you'd know it after her intervention as the giantess says while striking a rather provocative pose.
Mt Lady:"No need to worry citizens for I, Mt Lady have come to give some ass-istance!"
As she strikes her pose there are a lot of guys taking pictures of her. Meanwhile (Y/n) blushes heavily as Midoriya begins to write in his hero notebook not even paying attention to the giantess. It doesn't take long for the crowd to disperse though as this happens (Y/n) realizes if him and Midoriya don't hurry they'll be late thus, they run to school as quick as they can.
-at school-
After making it to school the day went on as usual until, one of teacher mentioned something about their future.
Teacher:"Alright students, as third years I feel that it's important for you to start thinking seriously about your futures."
He pauses for a second before saying rather abruptly.
Teacher:"Who am I kidding. You all probably want to go the Hero route."
Everyone in the class cheered and activated their quirks, well all but three. That is until someone pitched in a cocky tone.
Bakugou:"Hey don't lump me in with all these losers. I'm the real deal, not a sidekick like the rest of these idiots."
Everyone else in the class:"Hey!"
Bakugou:"Can it all you extras! I'm going to U.A. and I'm the only one here worthy of going. Then I'll become stronger and more popular than even All Might!"
The teacher then pipes up as he says.
Teacher:"(Y/n), Midoriya don't you two want to go to U.A.?"
There is silence until everyone begins to laugh at the two. (Y/n) just sighs as he has grown used to being looked down upon. Though if that wasn't enough then Bakugou exploded both (Y/n) and Midoriya's desk as he said.
Bakugou:"You two idiots wouldn't even make it through the entrance exam especially you Deku!"
(Y/n) then says lowly.
(Y/n):"If that's what you think then there is nothing to worry about right?"
Everyone is in shock at the fact (Y/n) even spoke most figured he wasn't even capable of speech. However, Bakugou isn't shocked rather he is fuming at (Y/n)'s response as he grabs him by the collar and shouts.
Bakugou:"You don't get it do you?! I refuse to share even the examination area with you two lackeys!"
(Y/n):"Too bad Bakugou, Midoriya and I have the same aspiration as you to become a hero. Oh and just an FYI..."
(Y/n) grabs Bakugou's arm and moves it off his collar and says menacingly.
(Y/n):"...You lay a hand on me like that again and your going to have a big problem."
Bakugou:"Oh is that so? And what could you possibly do to stop me."
At this the teacher whacks both (Y/n) and Bakugou on the head to prevent them from breaking out into a brawl while saying.
Teacher:"Enough you two. I'm sure U.A. wouldn't be very thrilled with idea of trouble makers enrolling there. (Y/n) I would like you to go to the office."
(Y/n):"Yes sir."
(Y/n) says this in a defeated tone of voice as he leaves the room. Once he makes it to the office he gets a whole lecture about having an outburst in class. This bothers (Y/n) very little and the only reason it bothers him that much is because they bothered his Dad during work to tell him about it. Once they finally let (Y/n) leave he sees Midoriya standing outside looking at a little fish pond (I guess that's what you'd call it, I don't know). Upon catching up to him he can see Midoriya's notebook floating in the water as he asks his friend.
(Y/n):"You alright?"
Midoriya:"Yeah I just wanna go home. Today's been a long day."
(Y/n):"Alright then. Let's go."
(Y/n) retrieves the notebook for Midoriya and they begin to head home. Though as they walk through a tunnel (Y/n) and Midoriya get trapped in a viscous green goo. It turns out to be a villain as they hear him say.
???:"Oh how perfect I get to pick my disguise. Don't worry you two in mere moments you will no longer feel any pain."
The sludge creature then tries to go into (Y/n)'s throat to suffocate and take over his body. Though, the creature had not expected what came next as his entire side holding (Y/n) froze solid allowing him to break free. Though while this was happening Midoriya was slowly being suffocated. At this (Y/n) shouts as a thin layer of ice covers the ground around him.
(Y/n):"I won't let you kill my friend!"
(Y/n) then prepares to blow ice at the villain only to watch him splatter across the walls thanks to a remarkably strong force that blew past (Y/n). He then turns to see the number 1 pro hero All Might and he responds by saying with wide eyes.
(Y/n):"Y-you're A-All Might!"
All Might:"Indeed I am young man. I'm glad I got here when I did otherwise things might have gotten ugly hahaha!"
(Y/n) then remembers Midoriya was out cold so he goes to him to make sure he's still breathing of which he is. (Y/n) then turns back to All Might who was in the middle of signing a page in Midoriya's notebook before (Y/n) bows and says nervously.
(Y/n):"It is a great pleasure to meet you, All Might."
All Might:"Well, thank you but, there is no reason to be formal."
Midoriya then wakes up and sees All Might and does almost the exact same thing (Y/n) did. Midoriya then flips through his notebook to find a page for him to sign only to see that he had already signed it at this Midoriya bows and says.
Midoriya:"Thank you so much! I'll cherish this forever!"
All Might:"Well I'm glad I could make both of your days but, now I have to go."
(Y/n) sees Midoriya thinking about something as All Might is preparing to jump and leave, but right before he does Midoriya runs at him and grabs his leg as All Might jumps away. This also (y/n) along as he grabs Midoriya. All Might notices the two more or less stowaways and shakes his leg as he says.
All Might:"Uh let go you are being too clingy."
(Y/n) then shouts to Midoriya.
(Y/n):"NO! Don't let go otherwise we'll die!"
At this All Might realizes the predicament and lands on a roof as he then asks.
All Might:"What has gotten into you?"
Midoriya:"I just have to ask you something. Something that I really need to know."
All Might sighs and says.
All Might:"Well since you went through so much just to ask. Go ahead."
Midoriya:"I wanted to know is it possible to be a hero without a quirk?"
(Y/n) had known this was something that Midoriya wanted answered and though (Y/n) would always say if he could be a hero so could Midoriya, his friend would always second guess himself. But (Y/n) now believes if All Might can tell him he can be a hero then he can truly believe in himself. All Might smiles at this question and goes to answer only for him to cough some blood and a puff of smoke to appear. Once it finally dissipates there is a scrawny man with messy blonde hair sitting their leaving Midoriya and (Y/n) in a state of pure shock. Midoriya then shouts.
Midoriya:"You shrunk! You're an imposter! You're not All Might!"
All Might:"I assure you I'm All Might."
Midoriya:"You can't be. All Might is a very muscled man, who overcomes everything with a fearless smile."
All Might:"There's a lot of fear behind that smile. I'm hoping I can trust you two to keep this a secret."
He pulls up his shirt to reveal some severe damage to his side.
All Might:"During a fight five years ago my respiratory system got pretty much destroyed. Thanks to it I can only do Hero work for three hours at a time. Otherwise I'm just... this."
Midoriya:"Does that mean it was during that fight with toxic chainsaw?"
All Might:"Hmph you really know your stuff, but no that punk couldn't have done damage to me if he tried. The fight I had this happen I didn't want publicized. Oh and to answer your question, no."
Midoriya face turned to a saddened expression as he asked.
All Might:"This job ain't easy. Being a Pro hero is dangerous and very taxing on ones body even those with quirks. Some villains just can't be beaten without one so, no I don't think it's possible."
(Y/n) is shocked and angered by All Might's words until Midoriya says defeated.
Midoriya:"I uh I see."
All Might:"If you want to help people you could do plenty of other thing. Like being a firefighter, doctor, or police officer. It's fine to dream, just make sure those are obtainable and realistic."
All Might then walks through the roof access and walks downstairs leaving Midoriya and (Y/n) on the roof by themselves in a stunned silence at what just happened. (Y/n) feels furious at the heroes words as he looks to Midoriya who is visibly upset, thus (Y/n) says.
(Y/n):"Forget what he thinks! I still believe you can be a hero. Hey how about we go down there to watch which heroes show up?"
(Y/n) points down to a ruckus that is occurring down below but, Midoriya remains silent before saying.
Midoriya:"What's the point?"
He then looks at (Y/n) and says sadly.
Midoriya:"I just wanna go home."
(Y/n):"Alright well I'll walk with you."
Midoriya:"No. I just need to be alone for a bit, please."
(Y/n) is in shock and says sadly as he realizes the best thing he can do is give his friend space.
(Y/n):"Ok man I'll see you later then."
He couldn't begin to imagine how much that hurt to be told by your personal hero that you look up to that your dream can't come true. (Y/n) decides to see what is going on down below and comes across a crowd that is gathered around to watch a villain attack of which (Y/n) realizes is the one who attacked him and Midoriya earlier, but he could've sworn All Might had captured him. (Y/n) then figures he must've got away during the struggle when All Might was carrying them. (Y/n) also notices that the creature is trying to take over someone. Upon further inspection he sees that it's Bakugou as well as the fact that none of the heroes can help. Right then (Y/n) sees Midoriya run over to help Bakugou, at this (Y/n) also goes to help as well. Bakugou then shouts.
Bakugou:"What are you two idiots doing here?!"
Midoriya:"I'm not really sure my feet just kinda acted on their own."
(Y/n):"What does it look like?"
Bakugou:"I don't need your help!"
(Y/n) begins to freeze the sludge around him and says.
(Y/n):"Less talky more explodey."
Between the constant freezing, exploding, and scratching at the sludge Bakugou slowly starts to get freed up until they all hear All Might shout.
All Might:"Detroit Smash!"
As he punches the villain the whole sky clears up due to the sheer force of the punch. After everything was settled (Y/n) and Midoriya are being reprimanded while, Bakugou was more or less being praised. After all that was done and settled (Y/n) was walking with Midoriya until, he gets a text from his dad that tells him to come home immediately. He sighs and says.
(Y/n):"Hey look, Midoriya I need to get home I'll talk to you tomorrow man. Oh and hey don't let what All Might said get to you. I mean you were the first to go to Bakugou's aid that's pretty heroic I think."
Midoriya:"Thanks (Y/n). I'll see you tomorrow."
-at home-
(Y/n) opens the door to see his dad sitting on a stool in the kitchen looking at him as he remains silent as (Y/n) says.
(Y/n):"I know I acted to rash I'm sorr..."
His dad just hugs his son and says.
Dad:"I'm just glad to to see you're ok. Hey, look I need to know something."
(Y/n):"Yes sir?"
Dad:"Are you really serious about enrolling in U.A.'s Hero course?"
(Y/n):"Yes sir."
Dad:"Well then how bout I help train your body and quirk leading up to the entrance exam."
(Y/n)'s eyes widen in excitement as he says.
(Y/n):"Really Dad?!"
Dad:"Of course, son."
(Y/n):"Thank you so much Dad!"
(Y/n) then hugs his father again out of excitement. His father then says well let's get some dinner I'd imagine and then some sleep. I'm sure you've had an exhausting day."
With that said (Y/n) and his Dad ate and went to bed (Y/n) still felt bad for his friend but, all he can really do is hope things will get better for him.

A/n: That's another part complete. I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to see you all in the next one. I just wanna say the vote is still open for who (y/n) should fall for so if you haven't voted feel free to leave it in the comments. Well with that said I'll see you guys later. Until then, Peace!

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