M X Reader

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There you stood with the league outside M's base in the freezing cold you couldn't believe it was a trick you loved him and so you thought he loved you too the fire that was your power burned inside you wanting to roast the bastard alive. Alan told you and Mina to go to the south wing and find M and Dorian, Nemo and Jeckyll went to free the prisoners, and Sawyer Alan and Skinner went to destroy the research you and Mina reached a hall that split into different directions. "Y/N...M is down that one Dorian is this way hes MINE" her voice lowered when she said mine sending chills down your spine "im sorry M tricked you...i knew you really loved him Y/N" you looked at her and gave eachother small smiles "I'll be okay Mina...go tear Dorian a new one for me" she nodded and went down the right hallway and you the left.

Roasting any guard that got in your path their screams filled you with joy knowing they were suffering you eventually came do an end a large elegant door stood in front of you begging for you to look inside. Quietly you opened the door and looked to see a large living space that parted off to a bedroom then a study looking area you crept inside locking the door behind you your hands slowly became cocooned in fire as you whipped around on your heels you heard footsteps to see they belonged to M. Your eyes widened a tear made its way out down your cheek "my firefly...come to M" he reached his hand out to your cheek you flinched at his gentle touch "oh now firefly i wouldn't never lay a firm hand on you love..." He began to lean in to get a kiss but you pushed away with your firey hands he smirked. "You seem to be angry with me but your fire didn't harm me firefly" "you tricked us...lied to us M!" The fire around your hands became bigger "you lied to me..." You turned away from him "tsk tsk firefly i couldn't let you in on my plan darling i never intended to hurt you like this".

He reached a hand out moving your jacket and shirt collar out of his way he gently pressed his lips to your neck you whipped around and punched him in the stomach "don't even M! Don't try to charm your way out of this you stole some of my power... it's only going to hurt me more killing you M". Him holding his stomach he looked up at you "Y/N I've loved you for so many years you know you don't want to kill me darling my heart beats only for you" he straightened up and made his way to you as you leaned against a bedpost trying to fight tears. He lifts your chin to meet his eyes "firefly it pains me to see you with tears in those beautiful E/C eyes...let me make it up to you love..." He leans in to kiss you and standing there shaking you let him kiss you.

His gentle lips against yours reminded you of the old days when you knew you loved him and he knew he loved you. Now you were confused as you let him kiss you he began nipping at your lip almost desperate for entrance hesitantly you gave it to him his tongue danced with yours. Tears began to stream down your cheeks as M pulled away looking down at the area of him you quickly burned a hole in him "Y/N...i-i...love you...why?" Crying even harder you summoned fire around him looking away as you roasted him his screams faded you stopped. Looking down at his burned corpse Jeckyll, Nemo, and Mina ran into the room "oh Y/N..." Nemo held his arms out to you and you quickly turned around and buried your face against his chest as you cried he patted your back comforting you. The four of you walked outside meeting up with the others they all noticed how sad you were they all turned watching the place burn down you looked up as well tear stained cheeks red puffy eyes.

Skinner walked up to you and put an arm around you "well... I'd say they're all nice and toasty now" you tried to hold it back and ended up giggling. The others smiled hearing you laugh Skinner embraced you in a hug even though it looked like you were hugging a floating trenchcoat. "Salright love you still got us" Skinner said you looked over at the others then down at your hand you had slipped off M's wedding ring to have and remember the good times. "Hey girlie it'll be alright they're plenty of fish in the sea" you looked at Sawyer and smiled "your not wrong" Nemo began leading the captured scientists and their familys to the Nautilus as the rest of you followed Skinner cracking jokes along the way to keep your mood happy you laughed so hard Mina thought you were broken. You all boarded on and you all parted to your rooms and as you entered yours you see a small note next to a bright red rose on your bed picking up the note it read "My darling Firefly never forget that i will always love you i hope you can forgive me for what I've done and let me love you once more" you started to cry again.

You flinched as an arm snaked around your waist and you felt your collar being moved and lips placed themselves on the back of your neck your eyes widened. "M" you were frozen with fear "i-i killed you..." You felt him smirk against your neck "true love never dies".

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