Get to know me

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Okay so cloudymercury tagged me and in this challenge you will basically get to know my crazy personality :)

Let's go!!!

One// Current Favourite Song

Fall and Been Through from EXO :)

Two// Middle name

I don't have a middle name

Three// Favourite Youtuber

2J and Jeremy (if you're greek you'll understand)

Four// Birthday

23rd October :)

Five// Crushes first name

I don't have a crush

Six// Favourite perfume

Umm...i don't remember what the name of it was. NEXT

Seven// City you want to visit

I wanna visit Rome and Tokyo :3

Eight//Stan list

If I start it will never end XD

Nine// Favourite part of yourself

Nothing I hate myself I'm annoying af

Ten// Dream Job

Singer 🎶 🎤

Eleven// Favourite restaurant

I don't have one

Twelve// last text/ Snapchat

I don't have snapchat but my last text was witb my bff Evi we were talking about the pain we feel when we exercize :D

Thirteen// Favourite soda

Again, I don't have one

Fourteen// what you find most attractive in people

Their smiles or their characters

Fifteen// Favourite music genre

Indie, punk rock

Sixteen// Hogwarts House

Idek what this is

Seventeen// favourite vacation spot home 😎

Eighteen// Favourite store

Any store that has band merch :D

Nineteen// Favourite potato chip flavor

The salty ones, they're just like me. Salty. Get it? No? Okay.

Twenty//first name of your irl friend

Evi and Stella (my two bffs)

Twenty one//describe your dream partner

Umm...I want him to have black hair, soft skin, innocent features, killer smile and perfect personality (i'll never find someone like that *cries*)

Twenty two// three things you love about yourself


Twenty three//least Favourite song by the #1 artist you stan

The Overpass - Panic! At the Disco

Twenty Four//celebrity crush

I have a lot but I'll just tell you my top three; Baekhyun, Jungkook, Brendon Urie

Twenty Five// Natural hair and eye colour

Brown eyes and brown hair (ik I'm unique)

Twenty Six//Favourite article and clothing

Clothing-> My tøp merch :D
Article-> none

Twenty Seven//favourite album ever

Vices and Virtues

Twenty Eight// most used app

Youtube- Wattpad

Twenty Nine// drink order at sonic or starbucks


That's it

I tag;


Stay awesome ❤️🧡💛💜💙💚🖤

Challenges Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora