The Werewolf and The Hunter

Start from the beginning

"He's turning innocent teenagers into Killers Stiles! I think that's a good enough reason!"

"He gives them a choice before he does it! It's their decision not his! He tells them about the dangers of us. And you should hear how terribly they talk about us" he sneered, looking at his father in a new found disgust.

"We have to follow the plan Stiles. It's already done" his tone softer, and that's when Stiles deflated and flew back into the seat behind him.

The night when by to quickly, Allison had decided that she didn't want to be there when it happened. Stiles almost wanted to cry when his father dragged him to the car.

"I don't see why she can't come! She's perfectly capable of killing people" he growled, staring out the window grumpily. Chris sighed and continued to drive towards the preserve.

"You know she isn't as skilled as you are yet" he drove faster, the other two vehicles driving behind them driving at the same speed.

It's funny actually, Derek knew who his father was, but e had convinced him that he was different, and didn't want anything to do with the family business.


Stiles gripped the table with anger, the werewolf had not said a word about where the others were hiding. Out of frustration he increased the voltage on the werewolf and stood up, listening to him scream.

He watched from where he stood, stroking his thumb over his lip. He hummed in satisfaction, and lowered the voltage down shutting it off.

"Your an asshole" he heard him growl, Derek was ready to kill Stiles, he was willing to go against his wolf, and defend his pack and kill his mate if it meant they were safe.

"Now Derek, you know that's no way to treat an old friend" he glared at him, where Stiles only smiled up at him and looked down at his chest, bitting his bottom lip.

"Seems to me you've- been working out huh? For what.. Who do you plan on fucking Der, remember I used to call you that every time" he spun around and began to laugh picking up the jacket from the ground. He rummaged threw the pockets, picking out his cellphone, wallet and suddenly a small knife.

"Woah Derek baby, who do you plan on killing" he chuckled, switching open the blade, and stabbing it into the table skillfully.

"I could think of one person" he growled, lifting his head up. Deep down he knew he missed the old Stiles, the sarcastic, funny, weird and smart one. Not this ass hole.

"Promises? Oh Derek you know I love you.. Just not like you loved me" he whispered, he heard the chains being pulled the clanking of them on the wall. He tossed the jacket over to the chair and walked closer to the chained wolf. His eyes were red, he was angry, he felt angry for being so stupid before.

"Do you remember ? All that sex we had, all the blow jobs? and late night talks we had? Hmm Derek? Those private talks over the phone? " he growled louder this time, staring into his puppy brown eyes. He missed Stiles, but now he was wishing other things upon the hunter. Like death.

"I remember the way you liked how.. I would lick you up and down your chest.." Suddenly his slender tongue moved up the crease in his stomach where his abs were, slowly sucking on a spot, and whirling his tongue around it. Derek winced his face scrunched up, his cock slightly hardening. He hated the affect the hunter had on him. He snapped trying to bite his teeth at him. He growled, howling, he wanted to kill him now he didn't care.

"Oh Derek.." He sighed, "You don't know what I've been threw to try to get rid of you from my mind." he whispered walking away and siting back down. His back was to him and he played with the buttons on the jacket.

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