She didn't need to know that these three were all of the total three I served today. I really tried to be helpful and move a heavy chair, or bring a clean knife after I have dropped the first one. As I said, bad, bad day.

"So, you're fired, Elizabeth. Say hello to Alexis. And please, for the love of God, stay away from hospitality jobs. I knew it wasn't for you as soon as you came here running twenty minutes past your schedule on your five-inch Louboutins." She glared at my favorite black shoes that go perfectly with my pencil knee-length skirt.

"Thank you, Sarah. Have a nice day." I smiled at her and waved before picking up my Hermes bag and leaving this shitty restaurant for good.

What could I do now? I was hungry and tired. I supposed I needed to see Alexis and tell her this did not go as we had planned it. Argh, why didn't I take my car today?

I rose my hand to catch a taxi and go to cry on my best friend's shoulder. As soon as my hand was in the air, a yellow cab pulled near the sidewalk. I opened the back door and started climbing inside.

'What am I doing?'

"I have no money for a taxi," I spoke my thoughts out loud. I should have thought about this before leaving my husband.

"If you have no money, use the bus lady!" The old driver yelled at me irritated that I stopped him for nothing.

Bus? I don't even know where to catch those. Fuck this. I sat on the seat and turned to look at the driver.

"I was only joking, do I look like someone without money to you?" I tilted my head and lifted my eyebrow in pure annoyance at me, the taxi driver, and the world. Maybe, I didn't look like I was broke, but I sure as hell had absolutely no money after I left my husband in the spur of the moment. "Let's go," I told him the address and leaned back on the seat closing my eyes.

Alexis would be pissed at me.

Firstly, I got fired from the job after not working even for a day.

Secondly, she ordered me not to spend my husband's money on needless extravagances, such as taxi, jewelry, brand new purse or shoes I saw in the shop-front the other day. And when I was able to resist from buying those things, a taxi was a necessity by all means. Alexis kept repeating to me that I needed to start earning money by myself and prove my shitty husband wrong.

I really tried to do that. I searched for jobs, but all I got in return was a polite "Sorry, we got no place for you. Say hello to Mr. Patrick Price."

Fucking Patrick!

After I heard that for the tenth time, I called my husband furious.

"It's all your fault!" I screamed on the phone.

"Oh, Eli, babe you should be more specific." His calm, cheerful tone was pissing me off even more. Irritated, I stomped my foot.

"You damn well know what I'm talking about! Why does every job I've applied send me off as soon as they hear your surname."

"You're looking for a job?" His voice was laced with amusement. He was mocking me and didn't even try to hide it. "What kind of job do you want? A cleaner? Because babe, you don't know how to do anything."

"As assistant or something," I mumbled, my voice oozed with palpable insecurity, "I graduated from college, you know, I have a diploma." I tried to sound more confident, as Alexis taught me.

"You know, I met cleaners with a diploma." He kept on laughing at me.

Fucking Patrick!

"Oh, honey, you wouldn't last a week, you have never worked in your life and you don't need to. You should come back to me and forget about your stupid whims. I still love you and I miss you." He spoke to me like I'm a child, he always did.

"No way in hell, Patrick!" I hissed back.

"You know you will have to wake up early and actually do something at work? You will have no time for the gym or your tennis practice or your hair and manicure appointments. You will not have enough money to eat in your favorite fancy-ass restaurants." He kept convincing me and he was doing a great job at it.

"I don't care," I said weakly with tears blurring my eyes, and turned off the call before I could tell him where to come and pick me up.

"At least I would be someone I could be proud of."

He's actually right, I didn't work a day in my life, and the thought of sitting at the office for ten hours every day made my left eye nervously ticking. I love spending money, and I would hate to miss on every luxury thing I was so used to.

So now I was struggling to find something that would cover all my bills. At least I need to have enough to pay my monthly rent. I don't know how poor people do this on a daily basis. Always worrying about not losing their job, and struggling to earn enough money to eat. That's depressing and sad. This money troubles, that came with leaving my husband would cause me a few wrinkles on my forehead and a big bill from my cosmetologist.

That's why spending my last bit of money on a taxi wasn't my smartest idea.

This is it! Let's start the journey!

This is the first chapter. I wrote it on my phone so sorry for the mistakes.
I will edit it later, I just really was eager to publish it.

Please do tell me what you think about it
Comment, comment, comment!!!

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