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                   " It's amazing how much destruction one person can cause."

I wasn't surprised when Louis was no longer in my arms, sighing deaftedly, I sat up on the bed, burrying my face in my hands. Feeling the weight on my shoulders.

" Stupid."  I called myself , reaching for the hair tie, and pulling my hair into a bun.  Not being in the mood to shower, which just meant I wanted to keep Louis' scent on me as long as possible. I walked into the rooms mini kitchen.

" Morning." He said eating a bagel with cream cheese, I furrowed my eyebrows in thought, trying to decide what to say, or what to ask.

" What are doing here, Lou?"

" Well usually the host wakes up before the guest, but you were really tired, so I made us some breakfast, which just stands for your toasted waffles are still in the toaster." Louis said, taking another bite of his bagel, and a smile on his face.

" Louis, what the fuck are you doing? You hate me, you just fucking use me, you are not my friend, why, why are you confusing me, why did you come into my room last night?!" I questioned, feeling already irritated  and confused.

" Harry." Louis said softly, while I was pacing back and forth in the small kitchen. " Bud, Haz, please."

The nickname snapping me back from my jumbled thoughts. 

" I am one huge fuck up, I've ruined all my friendships with Niall, Li, and Zayn, and especially you. Harry I like you" Louis said, but I perked up at that " As a brother, what we have been doing has been wrong, I needed a stress reliever, someone just to mess with and you just happened to be there. I regret using you for that, thats why we need to stop." Louis said pausing , putting down his half eaten bagel. I nodded trying to keep a poker face.

" Stop giving me those lingering looks, and the guilty eyes.  Stop avoiding me, stop hiding from me Haz, because I want us to be old Louis and Harry, laughing, and smiling, but I don't want to fuel those rumours about us, because they aren't true."   He continued, now standing infront of me.

" You need someone better, because Harry all we are, is friends.' Louis said softly, touching my shoulder, I scooted away and sighed.

" Friends, yeah I get it. Um, we have dress rehearsals soon,so I gotta get ready, but totally, mate. Best friends, like old days, go tell everyone else, Lou." I said trying to hide the bitterness in my words.

" You okay, Haz?" Louis asked as if he hadn't just crushed my heart.

" Yes, see ya later, yeah?"

" Yeah, Haz." He said hugging me awkwardly, I forced a dimpled smile, which he returned.

" Hey, Lou?" I said right before he left. He turned around., responding " Yeah?"

" Wanna ride together to the stadium after lunch?" I said, making an effort for the new friendship, he smiled again, but it was off. 

" Course, thought that was already a given." Louis said, leaving the room with a final wave. I let my emotions run free when the door shut.  

After I stopped crying, I walked over to the toaster,only to find two slightly roasted waffles,which only brought more tears. I ate them, and sighed with each swallow which almost made me choke a couple of times.

I decided to wash away Louis, and showered for quite some time. Not bothering to dry my hair, quickly removing the whitening strips from my teeth to brush my teeth. Million dollar smile, thats what my agent called it.

Dressing myself in ripped jeans, and one of Niall's stolen tank tops. I spent the rest of my free time walking around, eventually joined Liam to pull some pranks on the hotel guests. By the time we were going to put the hotel towels in the elevator we had to get going to rehearsals.

" Wanna ride with Zayn and I?" Liam offered as we walked up the stairs.

" I am actually, riding with Louis..." I said smiling when Liam frowned.

" Harry,look we have seen how torn up you are, do you think thats a good idea, he will just tell you shit again." Liam warned. I sighed, sitting now on the stair case with Liam next to me.

" We talked it over, he wants us to be friends again, and I need to move on, because he never was mine to love anyway, so set me with someone or something. I'm turning over a new leaf." I said, trying hard to believe the lies I spoke. I patted his back and headed back to my room.

A knock disturbed me from my reading, and I opened the door to find Louis.

" Ready?"

" Yeah, gotta prove I'm not going solo." I said as we walked down to the car, some girls noticed us, and we took a few pictures before getting into the car.

We spoke casually, about  home, and our sisters. Girls were screaming loudly for the sound check. 

Zayn looked at us suspiciosuly and Niall stayed away for the most, I got a water bottle and decided to throw it on Zayn. Our sound check turned into a water fight, which had the fans snapping photos.  

" I ship bullshit!" someone yelled, which stopped my laughing.

" It is bullshit." I responded, and stopped our fun game to continue with rehearsal.

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bye toodles noodles


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