The first day

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Beep beep beep

"Just five more minutes" I try to find the alarm button but I'm too tired to open my eyes to turn it off.


Well there goes my alarm clock.

I know it's not broken because I can still hear that horrible sound that makes me want to rip my ears off.

Today's the first day of senior year and to say I'm scared is an understatement, I'm absolutely terrified.

Most kids are excited for senior year, not me, mainly because I don't have friends or a group of people I'm excited to see again this year.

I should probably start getting ready I don't want to be late on the first day.

I get up out of bed and I bend down to pick up my alarm clock off the floor and set it back on the nightstand, right next to a picture of me and my dad.

I remember that picture it was the first day of kindergarten. Dad had to take me to school that day, because mom had to go to work early.

I remember as soon as we got to school I started crying because I was afraid of making new friends.

Dad tried to get me to stop crying by telling me that it's easy making new friends and that I would have fun in kindergarten.
No matter how hard he tried to get me to stop crying I just cried more and more.

I remember that I wouldn't let go of him when it was time for him to leave so he had to get the teacher to help pry my hands off of him.

I got a new nickname in kindergarten that day, all of the kids called me crybaby for the rest of the year and I never made any new friends.

As soon as I got out of the shower, I headed over to my closet and I picked out my outfit.

I decided on a white crop top paired with some blue high waisted wash jeans and some white converse.

When I got done getting dressed I looked in the mirror "look at me" I didn't like what I saw.

I seen a girl with burgundy colored hair and light brown eyes staring back at me in the mirror.
A girl who never experienced her first kiss or let alone even held a boys hand.

I see a girl who studies late, never goes to parties and a girl who only cares about
her grades and that girl is boring.

I walked over to my bed and I picked up my things for school and I then I left my room, and headed for the stairs.

As soon as I get downstairs I see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast. She turns around and looks at me.

O your up I was just about to wake you" I just look at her.

My mom is really beautiful, sometimes I wonder where I get my looks from, my mom has light curly brown hair and hazel eyes.

Sometimes I wish I had her looks.

So are you excited for school today" right now she has the biggest smile on her face.

No" I sit down at the table and I take a piece of toast and I take a bite out of it.

My mom just stares at me for a while her smile is now gone off her face.

Bree honey every year you always say no, you know most kids are excited for senior year"  I just look at her.

Whats there to be excited for? it's just another year in high school with the same people I seen last year" I start to play with my toast and I try to avoid her eyes as much as possible.
When I do look up I regret it because my mom has the most saddest look on her face.

Bree, honey this is your senior year the last year you get to act like an teenager, promise me that this year you will not spend everyday in your room studying . Promise me that you will actually make an effort to make friends and go out this year" right now she's just staring at me waiting for my response.

I start squirming in my chair from her intense gaze.

Mom if I don't study how will I be able to get into that college that I always wanted to get into? you know I've been looking at this college ever since I was little it's the college dad went to" as soon as I mentioned dad her face fell.

Honey I know you've been looking at this college for a long time, but I'm pretty sure your dad wouldn't want you waisting your entire senior year locked up in your room studying" I get up from the table.

I should leave for school now" I say without looking at her. 
I head out the door before she has time to say goodbye to me.


As I head to my car I'm in really deep thought I mean I know my mom is right but that college is really important to me, it was important to us.
I'm not just going to throw all of that away just to have fun or would I.

As I pull into the school I see some old and new faces and I also see that most of the parking spots are taken.

I drive around until I see one, but just as I am about to pull into the parking spot, I see this light blue mustang come and takes it right from under me.

I can't believe they just did that" I sit their dumbfounded because I'm not sure what exactly just happened.

Then I see this boy that I've never seen before get out of the car he has light brown hair and he is really handsome so handsome that I couldn't stop staring at him.

Hey princess like what you see" his voice made
me snap out my gaze and when I look up at him I see this big smirk on his face.
Before I can respond to him he winks at me and starts walking towards the school entrance.

Now I'm sitting in my car confused trying to figure out what just happened in the last couple of seconds.

Bring bring!!
Is that the bell?

Holy shit I'm late and it's all because of that jerk face" I finally find a parking spot all the way in the back of the parking lot.

As soon as I get out of my car I start running towards the doors to my next class.
I can tell that today is going to be a great day note to sarcasm.

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