Chapter 2 ~ Denial

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       Hi guys i'm here to bring you chapter 2! some of you liked the first one so I thought id bring the next one soon as possible!

        Branch's P.O.V

      Branch rose up from his bunker, he steps outside and starts gathering his sticks like he does every morning. After a while branch looked towards the village lost in thought. "its so bright...and ugh...colorful." Branch thought to himself. He shrugged it off and started gathering his supplies again. "I'm glad I live alone, at least its quiet." Thoughts of Poppy starts to form in his mind, how he wish he could give the troll a hug. He shook those emotions off. Stop it branch, you and poppy don't mix, shes happy, bright, full of hope, and you are not..He shrugged Poppy off his mind and started heading home.


      Poppy was still running to Branch's Bunker hoping that he will come out today.

BRAANCH!! she shouted almost at his bunker BRAANCH! 

     Branch looked towards the direction of the voice. oh no...Branch dropped his stick pile and ran as fast as he could to his elevator. As he was about to touch the lever Branch jumped at the sound of his name being called. It was louder this time.

   "Branch ma man! your outside good!" Poppy smiled widely, she starts to get closer holding her arms out ready to give him a warm hug. She thought he could use one. Branch panicked and quickly pulled the lever and the trapdoor shut behind him. Phew that was close...

  Poppy's smile frowned as she set her arms back to her side. She walked close to his entrance and knocked. "Branch! come on I just wanted a h-."  "No.hugs. now get out of here." Branch scowled waiting for her to leave. "aw come on Branch I made you something!" Branch groaned from annoyance. "If its another scrapbook that spurts glitter in my face I will kill you." He hissed. Poppy giggled and knocked again. "Pleaasseeee, you'll like it I'm sure!" Poppy actually was not sure to be honest, she just wanted to see Branch. The trapdoor slightly opened where you could only see his eyes.

Poppy laid down on the grass watching his eyes. He may be a grey troll the thought, but he has the most beautiful blue eyes. Poppy's cheeks flushed slightly, she backed up noticing the trapdoor open all the way and Branch's head poking out.

"Well...what do you want." Branch was getting impatient. He wanted her to leave and never come back. He knew that would never happen though. Poppy smiled and offered the bright invitation to him. "Will you come to the party tonight!" Branch stared at the invitation and back on poppy, back and forth his eyes moved. YES he wanted to scream out but he stopped himself.

"No." Branch ripped the invitation in two front of Poppy. Poppy looked dumbfounded, she almost wanted to cry, but she fought back the tears. She wiped her face feeling a hot tear falling down. "A-Alright...b-bye then.." She got up and ran back to the village starting to cry. 

Branch felt his heart drop right there, How he wanted to run after her and apologize. He doesn't like hurting Poppy's feelings, but its the only way to get her to leave. Branch looked around and grabbed the invitation that he ripped and headed back down into his bunker.

This chapter was fun to write! I hope you all enjoy it! I may write chapter 3 tonight or tomorrow I'm wanting to write now this is too much fun.

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