Urges? Can she keep them away?

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It's been almost a month and a half since Nicole came back from rehab and has been working as Rih's photogropher and dancer and makes twice the money now. Nicole is gtting kind of stressed out which is not good cuz that could triggure another relapse so mel keeps a close eye on her at all times so that Nicole doesn't do anything stupid of that she would regret. The crew is somewhere in europe at a hotel by the beach because they have a couple days off and everyone is hanging out,the band is hanging together, the dancers are hanging together and Rih and her crew are hanging together. Rih and her crew are hanging in her room talking, smoking just chilling and Nicole was in Mel's lap for a while till she got up and walked out of the room without anyone noticing. Nicole walks out of the hotel and goes bown to the beach and sits in the sand with her head on her knees staring at the water. Mel notices that Nicole is gone and has been for a while so she text her but doesn't get an answer at all, so she tries to text her and still no answer. She tries to call her but she doesn't answer, so this worries Mel so she texts Rih instead of saying this infront of everyone.

Mel: Nicole's been gone way too long

Rih: Oh shit i didn't know she left, how long ago

Mel: Over an hour

Rih: uh oh

Mel: I tried texting and calling her but she didin't answer me...... see if you can get ahold of her and if not you and me are gonna go "out"

Rih: Alright ill text her and call and let you know

20 mins later and mulitple texts and calls from Rih and no answer Rih and Mel leave the room and go on a search for Nicole, they check Mel's room first and there is no sign of her there, they check the hotel and then make their way down to the beach that is by the hotel and as they are on the boardwalk by the beach they see a girl with long blonde and black hair with a sports bra, Rihanna trapstar shirt that is a cut off, jean shorts, black snapback, sunglases and black vans sitting on the beach by the water hugging their knees and rocking back and forth and they know its Nicole so they rush over to her and they sit down next to her and both hug her and notice that she is crying and kiss her.

Nicole's POV

I left the hotel room because i was overwheled and really stressed out, dealing with my urges to cut when im stressed stressed me out even more upon dancing and doing photos when im not dancing, it's like im running around ike  chicken with their head cut off. No one understands what im going through or how hard it is even though they say that they are here for me they still don't know what im dealing with on the inside not even Mel. This is harder to deal with than i thaought and i don't want to be a problem to Mel with my own problems or to Rih especially since she is on tour and she has a show almost every night and she doesn't need my problems on her plate too, she has enough already, she has taken care of me once in the last 2-3 years and that's cuz i couldn't do things my self because i was injured and i don't want or need her to take care of me again. When i left the hotel i went down to the water and sat in the sand and hugged my knees to me chest and just enjoyed the sound of the water and silence but then the thaughts of everything that has happened recently and about the hospital in germany and how i could be so stupid to do this shit again when i told Mel not to and she did ame to my head i started balling my eyes out and rocking back and forth for a while, i know Mel and Rih both noticed that i was gone because the both texted and called me but i didn't answer. I knew they were gonna look for me and find me eventually so i didn't move nor did i care that they would come looking for me. I heard them talking and then run over to me and sit down next me and huged me but when they did i broke down remembering how much hurt i put them through and the pain that they had to deal with for a year by me just disapearing wihtout a sound. It took them a while but they finally got me to calm down enough to where i can talk, but i was still crying.

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