Damsel in the District (Butchercup)

Start from the beginning

He had stopped seeing his brothers, going out of his way to avoid them. The only time they would see him is if they were on the same mission, or if Butch was causing trouble. People always wanted to pick fights with him, and he was always glad to kick their asses. It was common for him to ambushed as well. Like right now. Although, it was more like an accidental ambush. Things just didn't go according to plan.

Butch put some extra power in his leap, jumping across two houses to avoid the the scorching fire from the beast. He could feel the searing flames behind him, the smoke spreading quickly throughout the area. He landed on brick building, his feet slipping from his awkward position in the air from twisting to avoid the creatures grasp. He began to slide, in reflex, digging his blades into the surface beneath him, stopping his fall. He quickly got up again, grunting and looking around for anything that could help him.

He cursed to himself silently for literally waltzing into this situation. Women were temptresses, and he tended to forget that a lot. It started with an offering of bread, a fun night, waking up to some music, running from soldiers, having some fun inbetween the run with the girl, and dancing right into a hideout of some robbers smuggling dangerous beasts to who knows where, and he had knocked over the bottle the beast was kept in, breaking it and unleashing it. He had no idea what happened to the girl, but he wasn't one to dwell on feelings like those. The guilt was for sure still there, he had fled when he saw no sight of her, guessing she either got crushed by it or ran, leaving him. He liked the second possibility better, and chose to believe that one. The smugglers had gotten away, quick as mice when they saw Butch's accident. He made a mental note to search for them later.

The soldiers that were chasing him were long gone, he saw them flee on their steeds when they first saw the beast. Cowards. They were only protecting their treasures, not the people. He doubted they were even trained for things like this. In a world where there's magic and monsters like these, why were normal humans still able to be knights? They were useless, except for being used as bait or to play around with. Sure, they were great creatures, besides how messed up they can be, but was there really any room for them in a world like this?

He scoffed, his brothers crossing his mind. People like them were letting humans control them, so maybe there was since they were stupid enough to let them be controlled by them, when they're the ones in power.

The monster was at least 100 feet tall, spikes all along its back, two deformed tiny arms, but it was made up for with its size and large teeth, not to mention it could breathe fire. He was lucky it couldn't fly, but even so, dragons weren't such a problem to take down. The difference with this beast was that it seemed to know what it was doing, it wasn't just mindless destruction. It was quick too, despite its size, and it was pretty bulky too. The worst part was, it's target was Butch.

He had no knowledge of the monster except for what it could do, but he wasn't even sure if that was all of its abilities, because the fire definitely surprised him, and he didn't know that until a few seconds ago. He knew a wizard or some sort had trapped it in the bottle, since no one else could do something like that, and he was no wizard. His powers were wind, and he wielded two blades with him, along with some armor. If he used his wind powers, he'd only be making the flames stronger, so he had to hold back with them, but he wasn't completely useless without his powers. He just wasn't sure if it was enough.

He had gotten close enough to the monster to land a few attacks on it, but he had only really gotten his neck, and that seemed to be wear his skin was the weakest. Everywhere else was inpenetreble. Right now, he was trying to aim for its eye, since it was the most sensitive part of any creature, if they had an eye. He was just having a hard time reaching it with the beast blasting fire everywhere, with great aim too. He knew that after this was over, he had to get far away from here before some heroes came to arrest him, because they would most certainly blame him for the destruction, and they wouldn't be wrong.

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