Tara reached down and held Theon's hand. It made him snap out of his own doubts. He looked down to her soft hand wrapped up in his own and felt some relief of calm. 

They didn't say anything to each other, they only met eyes for a moment, but at the same time, they were both saying so much with just a look. 

Theon was repeating his broken promise in his head. Even though he felt he had broken it times before, he was still trying to keep it. He knew that no matter what happened, he would protect her at any cost. 

Finally, the Lannisters entered. 

They had lots of men behind them but Tara kept her eyes locked on Cersei. For some reason, she couldn't look away. This is the woman she had heard so much about. 

Theon was looking at Euron. Euron made that same grin as he walked past him. This time, Theon wouldn't let Euron get to him. 

Everyone took their final places and sat in their chairs. The Hound didn't waste any time. 

He walked straight towards the Mountain, "Remember me?"

"Yeah, you do." The Mountain said nothing, "You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you?"

"Doesn't matter. That's not how it ends for you brother. You know who's coming for you."

"You've always known." With that the Hound walked away. 

Now it was Cersei's turn. "Where is she?"

"She'll be here soon." Tyrion responded calmly. 

"Didn't travel with you?"


Cersei seemed to grow an even angrier look onto her face but that's when the dragon's screeching filled the coliseum. 

Most stood up in amazement as they watched Daenerys on her dragon. For most, this would be their first time seeing a real dragon. With a flap of his massive wings, a gust of wind and dirt fell onto everyone. 

Drogon let out another roar as he bowed down to let Daenerys get off. Daenerys walked calmly towards everyone else as Drogon took off again into the skies. Tara was glad to be behind a queen such as Daenerys. She did feel better now that her dragons were watching this meeting too. 

"We've been here for some time." Cersei said. 

"My apologies." 

Dany turned to Tyrion and gave him a slight nod. Tyrion stood to begin the meeting, "We are all facing a unique-"

"Theon!" Euron cut off Tyrion. 

Tara felt her stomach drop. She held Theon's hand a little tighter. She knew how much Euron could have an effect on Theon. He reminded her all too much of Ramsay. 

"I have your sister. If you don't submit to me here, now..."

"I'll kill her." He said it as if it gave joy to him. 

Theon stayed calm. He refused to let Euron torment him. Even though on the inside, Theon was terribly afraid that his threats weren't empty. 

"I think we ought to begin with larger concerns." Tyrion said. 

"Then why are you talking?" Euron grinned, "You're the smallest concern here."

"Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?" Tyrion turned to Theon. 

"His wasn't even good." Theon said back. He was still keeping calm. 

"He explained it at the end. Never explain it always ruins it." Tyrion said. 

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