"Their children will definitely have black hair," Walburga said as she examined every centimeter of the girls face.

"They'll look like genuine, pure blooded slytherins." Orion said firmly as he snaked an arm around his wife's waist.

"Have you any specific wedding dates in mind?" Walburga turned to them.

"Don't get too handsy with her, Siri," my eldest brother, Lycus, joked as he herded is away from the large crowd.

"Of course not!" Sirius said defensively as he held his hands up in protest.

"The adults are discussing marrying you two off already, you lot haven't even been sorted yet and your whole lives are being planned as we speak!" Cerbeus, another elder brother interjected as he approached us.

"You're married, Siri?" Sirius' younger brother, Regulus, asked.

"No, of course not!" Sirius exclaimed again. "Thea is my closest companion, I don't see us getting hitched!"

"You haven't taken Divination yet, you know," Adonis, the middle of the Irish triplets, popped in. "A lot of things can happen in these next few years. I myself never considered I'd be dating Meliora Saywell when I was your age."

"Where exactly is Meliora?" I asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from Sirius and I.

"She's powdering her nose," Adonis sighed lovingly. Ever since third year, he hadn't shut up once about the girl.

"Has anyone seen Rosaleen Bellemore, by any chance?" Lycus asked.

"She's probably with Meliora," Cerbeus said as he inspected his fingers for dirt.

"Why don't you come and search out a girl, Cerbe?" Adonis asked excitedly. Cerbeus had never tried much in the way of girls, and Adonis would always try to get him out of his shell.

"I'm watching the children," he frowned as he looked over at us.

"Thea and I can handle ourselves just fine, and Regulus was just going to go back to the children's room." Sirius waved the older boys off tiredly.

"Don't day it like you weren't in there a year ago!" Regulus pouted as he stomped his foot in embarrassment.

"Reggie," I said softly as I bent down slightly to his level, which truly was only two inches shorter than myself. "The children's room is way more interesting than out here. I had tried sneaking in there earlier because of how much I prefer it, but the matrons refused me. So go enjoy it while you can!"

His frown slowly melted as he crossed his arms. "I suppose you're right..." he mumbled.

"I always am," I grinned as I straightened myself again.

"Now, m' lady," Sirius said as he began twirling me back towards the hallways. "We have some mischief to unleash."


             -Character List-

Theseus Leander Pendragon, yo daddy, 6'3

Calliope Fayre Pendragon, yo mama, 5'9

Lycus Daedalus Pendragon- eldest child, first of three Irish triplets, fifth year, prefect, 5'10

Adonis Chryses Pendragon- born right after Lycus, fifth year, slug club, 5'7

Cerbeus Charon Pendragon- born ten months after his brothers, fifth year, seeker, 6'

Pollux Adrastos Pendragon- eldest twin, third year, chaser, 5'6

Castor Cephalus Pendragon- youngest twin, third year, close with Hagrid, an actual slytherin soft boy, 5'6

Althea Donatella Pendragon- youngest child, only daughter, unexpected gift that was well received, quite sickly due to health complications, first year, 4'8

As for the children's appearances, literally a bunch of Tom Riddles. No creativity here, ya know?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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