the rumour- you me at six

4 0 0

Well I am the cancer running through your veins

I am the sweat that's dripping down the side of your face

Well I am the pain in the back of your legs,

It makes you fall to your knees it makes you believe

And I am the headline, that's going to make front page news

I am that fashion that you're all into.


Well We had to try something different

We had to try something new

We had to make some heads turn

We had to put this to you

And I am the rumour on everyone's lips

I am the curse on your girlfriend's hips.

We are the different so we'll make a start

Tell all your friends, and sound the alarm.

I am that feeling, that you've done something wrong.

I am that friend, who knew all along.

We say we have our best friends yet we stab them in the back.

We try to show some love and, it's a skill that we lack.

I've had it with this crowd, I'm done with this town.

I've had enough of these shows and its over with you now.


Hold your hands in, into the air

Hold your hands as, as if you care (x3)

Oh hold on

Oh Josh Shit

Behind your back they talk about you all the time

Behind your back they spread some shit and spread some lies (x4)

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