6: Jake

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Jake's P.O.V.


As I drove off to the beach, I still felt really bad about what I'd done to that girl. I've gone through heartbreak like her with my ex so I guess I can relate. It was a quiet drive just like how I wanted it to be. I parked my jeep father off from a motorcycle I saw and just lied down in the sand.

I listened to the beautiful sound of the waves making me relax. After about a half an hour later I sat up and looked at the waves go up and then down over and over again. I heard a motorcycle ride into the distance cuing me to go now.

I walked to my Jeep and went another way. A short cut I've learned from going here many times. I found this place when I was like in sophomore year. There was a bonfire and all my friends were drunk except, you know, Andrew. In fact that party that Andrew and Astrid got together. I walked off to get some air and get away from girls and came across this part of the beach.

It was a peaceful place where I relaxed. Ever since, I've always gone here for some peace after parties or either it was just a bad day.

I neared to my house much quicker and went upstairs to my room. As I closed the door, I saw from the corner of my eye I saw the curtain from the Greene's house close abruptly and saw some brown hair peeking through a slip.

It was probably the new neighbor going to sleep or something. But it was weird because the lights were still on. That reminds me. I have to ask Astrid later if our new neighbor is a boy or girl.

If most are you guys are confused, let me explain how I'm so close to Astrid. You see Astrid's parent's are super close with mine so I guess you can call us childhood friends. We've grown up together and we dated in freshman year but that didn't work out.

I shut the lights, jumped onto my bed, and went under my covers. I kept thinking about that girl Maya. She was really beautiful. That luscious brown long hair that flowed nicely down her back, and those gorgeous hazel eyes that were watery as she looked at me. Just thinking about her was like a drug.

I fell asleep knowing very feature of the girl whose name was Maya. She intrigued me immensely and I wanted to know more about her. She'd be the perfect girl after my break-up with Kelsy.


After an AWESOME 10 hour sleep, something I haven't had in a LONG time, I felt amazing. I felt like I could run 12 miles straight right now. I walked downstairs and was greeted by my dad sitting on a couch reading a newspaper while my mom was cooking in the kitchen.

"Morning honey!" chipred my mom. I stared at her wierdly. Another reason why I sometimes don't wake up in the morning. My mom is too happy while I'm tired so it just clashes.

"Morning," I told her as I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. YUM! She was making pancakes. I immediately went to the cupboard to get my jar of nutella. That was something I couldn't live without.

I stacked my plate about with 6 pancakes and smeared a lot of my nutella over it. It was the most delicious thing EVER. After I finished, I went upstairs to take a shower. I decided to wear some navy blue shorts and again, a white v-neck. I seem to think v-neck suit me and all. 

I went downstairs as the doorbell rang. I could hear my mom from the kitchen still asking me to get it. My father was probably working in the garage so I unlocked the door and pulled. But when I looked up, I came into shock. I stared at those gorgeous hazel eyes and that luscious brown hair. My mouth was agape.


A/N: >:D CLIFFHANGER! MWAHAHAHAH. Sorry for the kinda late and short update....I couldn't think of how to make it exciting until I was folding some laundry. I'll try my best to upload even more now :) Matt Lanter is casted as Jake Tyler and Sarah Hyland is casted Maya Greene :) I'm still thinking of who to cast as Matt, Andrew, Paul, and Astrid. GUYS PLEASE CHECK OUT MY POEM ON MY SISTER'S ACCOUNT R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. IT'S ADDED INTO THE ATTYS SO PLEASE CHECK IT OUT :D ~~~> LINK




And/Or If You Want


~ Anna <3

Before It All EndedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora