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I'm tired.

I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of this feeling, of the headaches, of the nausea that follows the drowning of this pain. I'm tired of letting people down. I'm tired of the never being good enough. I'm tired.

And I'm sorry. 

I'm sorry my brother. I'm sorry for ruining your life, your relationship, your hope in this makeshift family. I'm sorry I opened my mouth, I'm sorry that your secret slipped through my teeth. I'm sorry.

But I was done. 

Done taking your insults, your excuses, your punches after every withdrawal. I was done hiding all your secrets so you could do what you willed freely. I was done covering up your coke problem. I was done trying to fix a problem that was way too far from within my reach. 

So I'll say it again.

                                   I'm tired. I'm sorry. And I'm done.

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