; i'll let you take care of me. ( and maybe a little more.)

Start from the beginning

'Are you having fun princess?' Louis texted him when he had passed the park that they shared theit first kiss at, that day two years ago when Harry was just 16 and love was oh so new, so exciting. Harry could still feel the rush in his veins when Louis had gripped his waist and placed his soft lips on his.

Harry's so in love with Louis. He almost stopped in his tracks just to stare at that tree, at that tree that Louis carved in L+H with a heart around it and an arrow through the heart. They called it their promise, that as long as that tree stood there they would love each other, and it was so beautiful to Harry because he knew that that tree would stand there forever and so would his love for Louis.

Louis had wanted to come with Harry when he said that he was going to the mall ( a little white lie) but he quickly said that he was going to get a manicure and it would only be boring for Louis to join. Harry knew that Louis wouldn't mind, he had told Harry that it was okay to lie if you were protecting someone. Harry was protecting the surprise.
It hurt Harry just a tiny bit to see Louis' face fall slightly as he nodded and told Harry that he would hang out with Zayn instead. Zayn was nice company though, so Harry didn't cave to Louis' puppy eyes and excited their shared flat.

The snowflakes that were littered across the ground made it a little hard for Harry to skip, I mean he could barely walk, his converse sank down with every step he took and it was slippery and that was annoying as fuck because Harry was happy and the world wouldn't let him show his joy. Rude.

Harry's shoes made a soft crunching sound as he took the last step into the post office, where Louis present was currently located. Harry shook his head, ruffling his curls to get rid of the snow that had fallen down onto it. He walked up to the woman at the desk and smiled politely before telling her his name and receiving the package (maybe Harry blushed just a tiny bit when she winked at him after she had read the sender of the package.)

When Harry got home at 9pm with non-manicured nails and a flushed face Louis eyed him suspiciously, but Harry just gave him his most breathtaking smile and how could Louis think anything bad of his baby? His pretty little boy with the pearl white teeth, the dimples and the long brown eye lashes, he could never think that Harry had done something he wasn't supposed to. So instead of questioning him he just engulfed his boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug, squeezing until Harry was giggling into Louis' hair and as many other times in Louis' days he realized how much he loved his little baby boy and that he never ever wants to let go of him.

"How are you angel?" Louis had asked and as usual Harry was smiling again, flashing Louis a wide grin so that his dimples popped and Louis couldn't stop himself as his thought wandered to when he had spurted hard onto Harry's face, dimples pooling with his come. He could never grasp that this boy with the innocent green eyes were capable of getting his mouth fucked, and it was even harder to get that he would fucking smile when Louis came so that his dimples could be filled. This boy made Louis loose his mind.

"I'm great," Harry started with a giggle. "daddy." And those words made Louis crazy, his head felt light at just the mention of that filthy word that he so deeply loved to be called.

"Let's get you to bed my princess. It's late. Little boy's need their rest." Louis smiled fondly as Harry nodded, holding out his arms as if to silently ask to be carried and how could Louis reject that?

When both boys were tucked in, Harry's back against Louis' firm chest with Louis' arms tightly wrapped around the smaller body that were pressed against him, they said their usual little line before bed.

"I love you!" Louis always started.

"I love you too!" And Harry was always quick to reply, a giddy smile plastered on his face. Louis couldn't see him but oh he knew, he could feel it.

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