She looked back at the director.

'Thank you,' she said with a conniving smile.

'There is a key inside. 37 East 64th Street, 4th floor,' he said. 'Feel free for the duration of your stay. Just leave the key to the concierge when you decide to vacate the apartment. Is there anything else you would need?'

She smiled again. Everything went according to the plan. And 'discretion' and 'rapidity' seemed to be the main keywords.

'No. I got everything I wanted.'

She stood up and put the envelope in her pocket. 'Thank you for help, Mr. Kent.'

He nodded politely then walked her back to the main hall.

'No need to say my visit here never happened,' she spoke softly with a little smirk as they went down the stairs.

Mr. Kent tilted his head and furrowed his brows. 'What visit?'

And here she became the chimera.

Natasha glanced at the big clock hanging above the exit. She had a bit less than three hours before the beginning of the show.

She rushed out on the sidewalk and hailed a cab.

The taxi took her to a fancy store on the Fifth Avenue. Her priority right now was to blend in and, judging by people's glances on the street, the vintage dress that Stark had provided still wasn't vintage enough for 1942.

She got into the shop and looked around. She found everything she needed within her reach. Suits, formal and evening dresses, skirts and blouses, but also coats, shoes, and other accessories; there was enough in this room to compose her wardrobe for the next weeks she planned on spending here.

Her eyes fell on an elegant black knee-length dress displayed on the mannequin. The skirt part flared was made of a soft and light fabric that slightly flared under the waits while the chest, the shoulders and the arms were covered with refined lace.

'May I help you?' the sales assistant came up to her. She shot a mildly dismayed glance at the dress she was wearing. 'You had one job, Stark,' Natasha thought, mentally rolling her eyes.

'Would it be possible to try on this dress?' she asked, pointing to the dummy.

The woman grinned with all her teeth, happy to find a customer who could afford her best item. She complied readily and accompanied her to the fitting room.

Natasha stepped out a couple of minutes later and looked in the full-length mirror. She nearly gasped in shock. The dress did not disappoint. It looked actually ten times better than how she had pictured it in her head. The fabric molded her curves perfectly without being suggestive. As she watched herself in her mirror, she felt for the first time since she arrived like she actually fitted in this world.

'I'll take it,' she said as she turned to look at the back of the dress.

The sales assistant hardly contained her enthusiasm.

'Fantastic! You look stunning in it,' she stated with what could only be honesty now that the deal was sealed.

'Is it for your husband? Or a special man, perhaps?' she asked.

Natasha paused and gently slid her hands down the fabric.

'It might be,' she murmured softly. Her mission was definitely to get close to Steve. She had to pique his interest in order to do so. Not in a conspicuous way that would scare him off, but in a subtle and intellectual way.

The sales assistant smiled.

'Trust me. That will catch his eye.'

Natasha couldn't hope for a better outcome. She turned to the employee.

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