Letters to the Hogwarts Guidance Counsellor

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ok, I own nothing. The guidance counsellor is an idea that came from a video by a youtuber called ElectricFaerieDust. I'll link it in the side.

anyways, on with the letters

P.S. Contains mild language


Dear Hogwarts guidance counsellor

I am not usually one to write, but I feel like crap. I would go to your group, I've got 99 problems but the snitch ain't one, but although I am a quiditch player I would feel uncomfortable sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings with my teamates. 

Take care.

Dear Student

Who are you? And I wish to enquire about your problems. 

Please come to my office at 8pm tonight, we shall talk then.

Professor H. Curantes

Dear Professor Curantes

I'm afraid I have a potions essay due tomorrow, so I cannot come to your office at aforementioned time. I cannot tell you who I am, the only information I can disclose is the fact I am in Ravenclaw. But you may call me... Cresent. Just because I love cresent moons


Dear Cresent

Please, bring your essay. I can help you, then we can talk.

H. Curantes

Dear Prof. Curantes

I will consider it. But remember, no students out of bed beyond ten minutes past the tenth hour.


Dear Cresent

Your owl keeps pecking me. Am I allowed to feed it? I have some owl treats somewhere in my desk.

H. Curantes

Dear Prof. Curantes

Of course you can feed Frodo. She loves food.


Dear Cresent

Your owl is called Frodo?

H. Curantes

Dear Prof. Curantes

Of course. What else was I going to call her?


Dear Cresent

I have no idea. Now, back to the matter at hand, what's your problem?

H. Curantes

Dear Cresent

I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you ok?

H. Curantes



Dear Cresent

What was the red stain on the parchment of your last letter?

Hannah Curantes

Dear Prof. Curantes

It was nothing. I can now disclose more information, I am in the third year.


Dear Cresent

So, you're a third-year Ravenclaw quidditch player?

Hannah Curantes

Dear Prof. Curantes

Yes. Crap. You're gonna find me now.


Dear Cresent

If it makes you feel more comfortable, you may call me Hannah.

Hannah Curantes


Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue

Lily x

Letters to the Hogwarts Guidance CounsellorWhere stories live. Discover now