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A wave of fear grew over me when I didnt recognized the place I was at

I sniffed the air

Henry's room.

I groaned, he took me to his house

I attempted to get up

I felt a sharp pain


I felt my phone in my back pocket

I checked the time


We skipped school

I didn't like it any way

I scrolled through Instagram

I eventually got bored and called for Henry

"Henry" I screamed

"What" he said turning the doorknob

"Why am I here" I asked

"We had sex" he shrugged

"Was it consensual" I asked

"No" he stated

"No," I shot up

"Ow" I groaned quietly

"No, I meant we didn't have sex,"

"But we can" Henry said falling onto his bed

"Nice try, but I meant why did you take me here" I said

''You got jumped '' he replied

"So you brought me to your house" I exclaimed

"I tried your house, but your mom didn't want a punk," he sighed

"She was probably drunk" I thought out loud

Henry looked at me confused


"O-Kay" he replied

It got quite for a split seconed

"Plus I have no car so I couldn't take you to urgent care" he finished

"You brought here on foot" I questioned

"No we flew" he replied

"And I was just going to say thank you" I said

"Mabey next time" he said sarcastically

"I swear when I go back to school I'm fighting those bitches, on sight" I said

"Oh, I bet you will" he replied

We sat in silence

"Why did you spread that hoe-ish rumor about me'' I finally asked

"I don't know, Mabey out of anger" he shrugged

I got instantly mad

"So you and the sexual harasser conspired against me" I questioned

"When you put that way it sounds bad" he reasoned

"Yeah" I said stubbornly

"Its not like he raped you" he said

Why is he still talking?

"You sound dumb," I said

"He slapped my but without permission" I said annoyed that we are even having this conversation

"So if I murdered you right now I shouldn't be prosecuted because you never said I couldn't kill you" I pressed

"Okay that's a stretch" he said

"Is it" I asked questioning him

"You are being extra" he said sitting back up

"Get out" I screamed

"This is my room" he retorted

"Fine I'll go" I shrugged I started to sit up, but it hurt so much I almost cried

I grabbed his pillow

"Charolatte" Henry groaned as I starting walking

"Charolatte" he called as I started making my way towards the door

Tears slipped due to pain

"Charrolate" he said again

"What" I exclaimed

"You can't walk, I'll go" he sighed

"Thank you'' I said

He stood up grabbing his pillow

He looked at me for a few seconds before leaving

My heart started pounding

"Bye" he said

I noticed the pain killers on his desk as I rolled my eyes

I grabbed one and used my spit to get it down

He slammed the door lightly

"Bye" I said quietly letting out the breath I didnt know I was holding

I trudged to Henry's bed

I moaned as I softly fell against his bed

Hours passed before the pain killers kicked in

I was on Netflix rewatching "The Originals"

Henry lightly knocked on the door

I got up to open the door

"Hey" he said

"Can I come in" he asked

"Its your room" I shrugged

He pushed me lightly aside

He plopped on his bed

I sat next to him

"Does your body still hurt" he asked turning to face me

"No" I said looking at him back

"Okay" he said

He pulled me in and smashed his lips onto mine


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