Chapter Six

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"Max. Max, wake up. It's time."

Max groggily opened his eyes to see Neil shaking him awake, already dressed and armed with a backpack. Max looked over to see that his backpack was already packed with his clothes, his bear, and the other half of the staff that David gave him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before slipping his hoodie over his head and putting on his backpack.

"You guys ready?"

The two friends turned to see a worried looking David peering into the tent. Seeing David like this made Max a little nervous, but he swallowed it away.

"Yeah," Max replied as he and Neil exited their tent. "What about the others?"

"Ve are already here," Dolph replied, appearing next to Ered.

All of the other campers looked tired but scared as they lurched their belongings close to them. Gwen was counting heads over and over again, fearful that there was a camper missing. Finally, after counting everyone for the fifteenth time, she turned towards David with a small smile.

"Everyone's here," she whispered. "Let's go."

Gwen and David walked side by side as they quietly led the campers two by two to the outskirts of the camp. Behind them were Max and Neil, Ered and Nikki, Harrison and Nerris, Preston and Nurf, and Space Kid and Dolph. No one spoke as they approached the boundaries of the camp. So close. They were so close to the part where they all could just hightail it out of there.




Oh no.

"Where are you all going this late at night, Davey?"

Everyone froze as Campbell stood in front of them, hands on his hips and smirking.

"C-Campbell!" David yelped, his face turning pale. "What are you doing here?"

"Why, we're here to make you stay," Jen replied, stepping besides Campbell.

"So you can all feel safe."

David growled as Daniel approached them, grinning.

"Daniel," David hissed.

"I guess you figured us out, huh David?" Daniel chuckled. "It took a while, didn't it? I can't even believe that you helped me out!"

"Stay away from the kids!" Gwen interjected, stepping next to David.

"Oh, my dear Gwen," Jen chuckled. "We don't want to harm them. We just want them to feel safe."

"Kids." The campers looked up at Gwen with worried faces. "Run. Find someplace safe and call for help."

Without being told twice, the campers ran off in different directions, Gwen and David following them.

"Jen, chase down Gwen, Nerris, Nikki, and Harrison," Daniel commanded. "Campbell, fo after Nerf, Ered, Dolph, Neil, and Preston. I'll go after David and Max."

Jen and Campbell nodded and began to chase everyone down.


"Oh Gwen~!"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Gwen thought as she ran through the woods, holding Nikki and Harrison under each arm, while Nerris was running behind her. Nerris suddenly cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"Gwen! Nerris is down!" Harrison yelled, causing Gwen to screech to a halt.

She turned to see Nerris lying on the ground, holding her ankle in pain.

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