A Creep In The Deep

Start from the beginning

It hurt his eyes for a bit and he snapped them shut.

When his eyes finally adjusted to the bright light he saw that he was lying on the rocking shore and his friends were standing over him with worried looks on their faces. The aqua aura disappeared and Knuckles helped his blue friend sit up. Sonic looked at his waist and saw there were only a few small white marks where the shark's teeth had pierced the skin.

He looked to see who it was who had saved him and froze when he saw who his hero was.

It was another sea fae like himself. He looked around to be Sonic's age and was a very light grey, almost white, hedgehog with white fur on his chest surrounding his neck with gold eyes and tan skin. He wore white gloves with cyan circles with lines sticking out of the bottom leading to his golden bracelets accented in cyan.

His tail was covered stunning white scales that shined brighter than his fur and glittered in the sun with cyan blue fins.

He had two large spines at the back of his head, while at the front of his forehead there were five distinct spines flared up and back, the two final ones covering up most of his ears; his five front spines had cyan tips. He wore a shiny golden belt with a small ruby red gem in the middle that covered where his fur changed to scales and a gold earring in his left ear.

When he noticed the Mobians staring at him he smiled at them.

"My name's Silver, it's really nice to meet you all." He said. "Especially you Sonic. My mother told me all about you after your mother told her. They were really close."

The group stared at him in shock before Sonic regained his senses

"You knew my mother?" He finally asked as he sat up to properly talk the ivory merhog.

"Everyone knew your mother." He replied. "She was the Queen of Atlatica. But she disappeared years ago and the kingdom was taken over by her younger sister Bernadette, who has ruled selfishly, never caring about anyone but herself. She's putting the ocean in great danger. Aleena has been missing for almost 17 years now. No one knows what happened to her. Not even my Mom."

"Your Mom?"

"She's the head seer in the queen's court. The only one your mother trusted with the secret she had fallen in love with a Mobian and had bore child with him." Silver explained.

"And your Mom told you?" Sonic asked.

"Now that I'm of age by sea fae law, yes." Silver nodded. "Mom wanted to make sure that I would understand how important this secret is."

"So Sonic isn't just a sea fae, but sea fae royalty!" Amy squealed. "This is so cool!"

"No it's not." Sonic growled as he turned his attention to Silver again. "If this all happened years ago, why am I finding out now? Why didn't Emma ever tell me that my Mom was a queen?!"

"Because you've finally mastered your basic sea fae powers." He replied. "Now you're ready to return to Atlantica and defeat Bernadette and take your place as a prince of Atlantica, just as my Mom foretold." He smiled, full of hope.

"That is so deep." Knuckles gushed.

"No!" Sonic growled at them. "I've been trying to live as normal a life as I can and this sea fae business has been getting in the way of that! Now, just when things are starting to get back to normal, I'm being told that I have to travel with a crazy haired hedgehog to some sea fae city to defeat an evil queen and take over this city?! Well forget it!" He shouted.

Suddenly his locket that Emma gave him burst open and no one expected what happened next. Glowing blue tendrils of something came out of the opened locket and formed a cylinder as tall as Knuckles.

A Merhog's Tale: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now