Tommy Eaton

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Tommy "eats"Eaton, looked down from his hustler magazine his eyes tracing the window pane his girlfriend broke. She didn't mean too but it happened anyway.

" Hey guys, you think Alaska is coming out tonight to play manhunt?" Davey asked. His eyes scanned the room waiting for an answer, Farraday sighed and nodded no. Eats chest fell as his eyes scanned the door grabbing his stuff and walking out. of course he couldn't let the boys know they had been dating. they would be so mad at him. but he couldn't keep his shands off her when  they were alone. 

  Eats would be playing with her hair or kissing her neck, or something but he would never not be all over her; Alaska didn't mind it though. She would sit there and let him give her hickies, she wouldn't bother covering them up. Eats made his mark on her.

  The window slid open as Tommy climbed into her window. Of course she was asleep as usual. He jumped onto her bed covering her mouth. Her eyes widened and a smirk fell across her face.

" So what are we going to do?" Alaska asked. But of course tommy had that planned out already. He told her to get dressed and meet him out front. She did as told.  They were going to go bowling together, the boys would be there and they would tell them they were a thing. It wasn't that big of a deal to Alaska but to Eats; the boys would think he won't hang out with them anymore. Tommy didn't care though he loved Alaska and they way she smiled and laughed, and kissed him, and got angry at him

  They arrived at Switch Lanes, holding hands. Farraday spotted them and motioned for them to come over.  There eyes widened as they questioned Alaska.

"Yes we date, not we're not going to break up, everything is going to be the same." Alaska said.
The boys didn't even interrupt her they accepted it. Eats was happy, and got something off his mind because his home life wasn't the best. They all continued bowling, Woody one like he always did. They had a great time.

The night was over and Eats walked her home. He told her how much she meant to him. They talked about there problems. They talked about everything. It turns out Tommy Eaton wasn't the bad boy he seemed like.

ahhh this was sooo bad but please comment if you want one!

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