A Requiem

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A/N: This is my first story. So I would be thankful if you vote and comment. Thanks      


I'm Ali Hattenson. A violinist, Music is my passion,a symphony of harmonious melodies. But a guy inspired me. Which will i pick?

Chapter 1~ Is he my stalker?

I slowly opened my eyes,looking at the ceiling. I pulled up my blanket until it reached my head,then I realized that I had violin practice. I looked at the time.

"Shoot! I'm late!"I shouted

Aside from being a violinist. My worse case was I have a serious ailment,I mean "SERIOUS" I had anaemia when I was still 6 years old. Ten years I endured the ailment. My parents said that I couldn't play any sports. They decided that I train for music. That's the reason. When I was half way there I bumped into a guy. The both of us turned to each other.

"I'm truly sorry." I said as I bowed down for apologization

When I looked up,his orangey-brown hair was shining like the sun,his blue eyes were glistening with joy. And he just gave me a fading smile and went away

"That was rude" I said as I was stomping the ground.

When I reached the Autumn High School Auditorium. I was called up next the time I opened the huge doors. When I got up stage, I saw the boy again.

"Is he my stalker?" I asked to myself.

Actually,to be honest many boys from my batch always confess to me,but this guy's different.

After my violin session. The boy put up his hood and went away. I immediately got my violin case and ran after him. As soon as we went out. I pulled him back. And I let him face me.

"What's your problem?" I said angrily

He just gave me a fading smile again. I was completely mocked, he was getting into my nerves.

"Why? Treating your instrictor like that." He said while he gave me a cold face.

"WHAT!!? Yo-you're my instructor!?" I shouted while I was shocked.

I can't believe he's my instructor. Among all people he's my instructor. But I still don't know his name yet. Such a defiance right!?

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