waking up...

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Lizzie's POV:

WAIT WHERE AM I!!! Wait why am i in the nurses office! "Where am i" I said as the nurse walked in. "You are in the nurses office."she told me but who took me here? "By who?"."well Joel did". As i left i thought who the heck is Joel?Then i looked at the clock and its wait 1:00!IM LATE FOR CLASS!On the way i saw brittney skiping but i just ran. But as i passed she stuck out her foot and her cute Converse shoes. "OOPS didnt see u there looser"she said walking away like i was just fine but it felt like i sprained my ankle so i limped to class and nobody was there so i looked at the clock and it was almost 2 o-clock. So i went to lunch and got my lunch box hopping to see me crush at lunch then i saw him and a empty spot beside him as i was almost there Brittney sat down and kissed him on the cheek then he pulled away but i sat in front of him and right before the bell rang i told him my name but then he didnt have time to tell talk to me more, so he walked me to English with our books and right as we walked in i felt him stick a note in my pocket so i went ahead and sat down before ms. Burner noticed i was late. Then she asked me "Are u ok Lizzie?". I just explained to her how Brittney beat me up then she took her to detonation but then the bell rang so i went back home but my crush followed me so i turned and looked at him and said "umm,hi again" then he started talking about how he was sorry but then he said"brittney is my girlfriend"then i freaked and pushed my glasses up and walked away he knew i was frustrated so he didn't chase me.

Joel's POV:

After lunch i brought her to our lockers and walked her to class but as we were almost there i almost held her hand but i stoped myself and fell behind as i wrote a note that said *its me Joel i was wondering if u wanted to u know hang out*then i ran to her and slipped it into her pocket. And we sat down beside each other and took out our book and turned to page 184 as we started our project we had to mix chimicleas to make it flow out but also after class i followed Lizzie and told her i was sorry but then she freaked out and ran home. So i went home to. Hopefully she dose not hate me *gets nerves*

To be Continued...

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