The Kiss

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Ally: *Slams the door open to the mansion* WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK

Slender: Be more quiet, child. You're too loud.

Ally: *coughs* anyway... We need to talk about how there's no relationships in this book, yet....

Ben: um... Why would we need relationships??

Ally: because. Now shut up or I'll bring your soul to Hell.

Ben: .... *goes silent* ( ̄^ ̄)

Jeff: what kind of relationship are you talking about?

Ally: *shoves Ben and Jeff together to make them kiss* I SUPPORT IT-

Jeff & Ben: *widens eyes and blushes* mmph!- *pulls back quickly and looks away from each other* oh.

Toby: well th-that escalated quickly...

Ally: I can do the sane to you and Clockwork if you'd like~

Toby: um-

Clocky: Suuurre~ I'd like that.. 💞

Ally: so cute-

Jeff: Don't you think you're taking this too far, Ally??

Ally: nope ~

Ally: and if you have a problem with it, just talk to me *holds up scythe intimidatingly*

Jeff, Ben, & Toby: eep- no thanks!! 😅 we're good...

Ally: good. Anyway, I wonder who'd willingly date each other in this mansion....

Jeff: probably Toby and Clockwork.

Clocky: yep~

Toby: that's d-debatable--


Masky: oh how fun... *rolls eyes*

Ally: ....

Ally: you're jealous.

Masky: am not!!!

Ally: are too--

Masky: -_-

Ally: :)

Masky: I'm leaving. I'd rather date Hoodie than Toby-

Ally: THAT CAN BE ARRANGED! *she said before Masky slammed the door behind him as he walked into his room*

Ally: thanks for reading and don't forget to comment a dare for either me or one of the other Pastas!!!! 😘

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