My story

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My name is Akki Luisime Novea but for short Akki.Our world have become a amazing place for animal people like werewolfs even vampires some are rare some are common like bunnys.We have kings and queens there was once the king and queen of the world they were hybrids.But people killed them for there power there two daughters is still alive but we know one day the people who killed the king and queen will kill her.Oh im off track this is my story not there's so we should start were i was born I would say that was my favorite part of my life


"Aww look at her"A blonde woman said pointing to the child."Yeah the other one is ugly"The brown haired male said.A little girl opened her eyes to see her mother and father and twin sister"eww her eyes"The blonde woman said cluelessy as she looked into the childs eyes they were red and blue the eye colors of a hybrid."Mwa Mwa"The little girl said"SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS CHILD"The blonde woman yelled"I'll name you akki for useless atleast i think that what it means"She said"Thats a good name VIctoria"The man said"I know Nick"The woman who was name VIctoria said"the cute one is opened it eyes"THe man named nick said.While akki cried in the corner while the rest of the family was celerbrating the other girls eyes opening"I'll name you  Vanessa becuase your beautiful"The mom said smirking.Vanessa giggled and laugh as she crawled to her sister and punched her into the face"Good job Vanessa"Nick said giving vanessa bits of chocolate.The mom grabbed Akki and threw her outside with a blue pair of clothes.

---15 Years Later---

Akki still lived on the front porch but she would clean the house from quarters and when i mean the house i mean the whole house."hmm YES"Akki said as she counted 30 dollars in her quater stack.SHe went in the house to recieve a punch and kick from her sister"Loser"Vanessa said walking out the house with her mother her father has passed but they didnt care they have got the money and that wa slal that mattered.RIght now Vanessa was very spoiled.She wore Black high heels a short black skirt golden jacket and a black top golden eyeshadow and red lepstick with a high ponytail while akki hair was always longer then hers but akki never had anything to style with it.Akki went back outside when she notice she forgot her clothes to changed into.

---A few minutes Later---

Akki arrived at the mall and went to a store called'O la la La' It had the finest clothes that costed over 1'000'000 dollars but luckly  today they had a sale wich wasnt very often becuase they only do it on the annverseiry of the opening of the store.Akki looked aroung to see the hair styling part of the shop they allowed free hair styling from hair clips to a millon dollar hair extinssions."Hi can I get  a hair spray to make my hair longer then can i by a few hair supplies"AKki said softly"Sure ya Can sweetie"The hair styling person said

---at home--

Akki came home carrying 20 bags she really used her money wisely and she still had 10 dollars"HEY WHERE DID YOU GET THAT STUFF"Nick yelled"From O la la la"Akki said"I brought something for vanessa"Akki said hopping not to get a punch"GImme GImme"Vanessa said soon enough akki handed her a onee dollar hair clip.Vanessa was red with anger and ended up stealing it all"WHAT WHY CAN SHE GET IT"Akki said finally standing up to her rotten parents.




Akki felt a harsh cold hand slid across her face she looked up and saw her mother do it"DON'T TALK TO US THIS WAY".AKki ran to her sister room and saw her sister trying to but on the shoes akki bought but it couldn't fit becuase her feet were to big"GIve me them"Akki said harshly."WHy should I"Her spoiled sister said"FIne but they'll never fit in your big feet"Akki said giggling.Now vanessa was enraged with her sister

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