Day 19 - Mandatory Swimsuit Post

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Heheheheheheh, oh, I'm going to torture you now! *Looks for the cutest girl she can possibly find in a swimsuit* GAH! MY EYES, MY EYES, MY EYES! I FORGOT TO CHANGE MY SETTINGS ON MY NEW SEARCH ENGINE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Warning. If you ever look for an anime girl in a swim suit, filter out ALL adult content.....*shudders* Okay, lol, that didn't really happen. But do that! Who knows what you might find! Safe is better than sorry ^^ Unless you're a pervert......are you a perv?! *shreiks* AH! I FOUND A PERV! SOMEONE CALL THE ANIME POLICE WITH THEIR INVISIBLE GUNS! THEY CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS--Not XP Heheh. I won't rat you out perv-ert~ You probably saw this and were like, "Le gasp! I can stare at an anime girl that's not wearing any undies like a creepy old man!" Le gasp! Not only are you a perv, you're gay! Cause heaven forbid that any male might read my works, right? Heheheheheheh. Can you tell I'm having fun with life? You can't? WELL YOU SHOULD! I JUST FINISHED THE BEST CHAPPY IN MY CAREER! Ch.1 to the new World of the Fallen story ^^ I think you're gonna like it. However, it's rated PG-13 due to graphic violence. So if you don't like gore or blood, then I suggest you don't read it---what am I saying?! Of course you should read it! Everyone should read it! I will kidnap everyone so they can read my new chappy! NO! I WILL TAKE EVERYONE'S COMPUTER HOSTAGE WITH THE HANNAH VIRUS. It forces you to read my chappy ^^ Mwahahahahahaha. How evil am I?--Okay, as promised, here's your girl in a swim suit XP

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