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Watching the clock tick by in my last period class was hard. I had math last. We were just working on some problems since it was just the first day. Watching it move probably wasn't the best idea since that seemed to make it go slower.

"All right class. You have about a minute left before the bell so finish up these problems for homework. I hope you all had a wonderful first day." Mrs.kenny said very sweetly.

I packed up my stuff as the bell rang. I made my way to my locker putting my last period books away. Grabbing my soccer bag and leaving my school bag, for now, I headed to the girls locker room.

While getting changed I thought about what the guys reactions would be if they knew a girl would be joining the team. It's going to be weird but I just need to show them i'm just as good as them.


Making my way out of the locker room and towards the field, I could see some of the guys make their way out to where the coach stood.

"Um are you coach Rodriguez?" I asked hesitantly. I started to notice all of the guys stares on me. I couldn't tell if they were good stares or bad stares.

"Yes. are you mackenzie?"

"yes , but you can just call me mac or mj" I stated with a smile.

"Well mj welcome to tryouts, as well as everyone else." he yelled for everyone to hear. I decided it was ok to step away and join the rest of the team in the crowd.
"This is a new season guys. New players, new talent. First we'll start with some warm ups. High knees from that goal to the other and back. Then two laps around the field. Once your done make your way back here and we'll start drills" the coach looked at everyone giving them a nod, approving them to start.

A couple of the boys took off towards the goal. I paced myself, but i was still faster than most of the boys. High knees were easy and so was jogging. We did more for warm ups at my old school, but I wasn't complaining.

When I started running I tried to go faster. Not to show off but to kind of say that I can go faster than most of the boys here.

I was one of the first five or six people that made it back. I could tell most of them were surprised.

I could tell that this practice would be full of surprises


The boys and I made our way out of the full locker room and onto the field, eager to start tryouts.

Now the boys, that includes me, Daniel. I'm more of the ladies man in our group. Corbyn, definitely not a ladies man. Yes they are all over him, but he has a wonderful girlfriend. Next is Jack. Also not a ladies man, but he used to be. About a year and a half ago a wonderful girl names Gabbie moved here. They didn't start dating till the beginning of last year. There's also Jonah. A true ladies man. Usually has weekly hookups but lately he's seemed to have his eyes on one particular girl. And finally is Zach. Zach doesn't play soccer like us. He's more of a book nerd and a songwriter. The girls are still all over him though. He doesn't date often.

Us four were fooling around with one of the soccer balls while coach was talking to one of the goalies.

When he finished he looked like he was going to call us into a huddle but someone tapped his shoulder and he spun around. A girl, who I had never seen before, started talking to him. She was in a soccer uniform. The word spread across her chest was the word California. I can only assume she's from there, considering i've never seen her.

"Hey guys!" I called a couple of the boys over.

"What's up dan?" Jonah asked confused

"There's a girl, and I think she's trying out."

A chorus of "what?" "No way" and "impossible" were heard from them.

"Well mj welcome to tryouts, as well as everyone else."

Everyone in the circle watched as this girl took a spot in the back near the side.

Coach started tryouts like every other time. We did high knees and two laps. This was to see who was a slugger and who would have a better chance on marking the team.

I only know that because I'm the captain. Coach takes my input when it comes to who makes it and who doesn't.

I was one of the first to finish. When I turned to say something to corbyn, I saw the girl there. She finished already?

As the last few people started to come in coach called us back into a circle.

"Ok guys. I know some of you much be wondering why we have a girl joining us at tryouts. This is Mackenzie. You can call her Mac or Mj. She is just as good as you guys. You should see her file." Coach said with a chuckle.

"She may even be better than some of you. There is no girls team so I said she could tryout. And if she's good enough, even join our team. You will treat her with respect. Alright?" He looked around waiting for an answer.

"Yes coach" everyone mumbled out.

"Seavey, here. Mj, here." He called us up. I could tell she was a little embarrassed. She stood with her right hand grabbing her left arm and head hung low.

I don't know what happened but I reached my hand out for her.

"I'm Daniel, mj. It's nice to meet you." She looked at my hand confused, but she did shake back. "I'm assuming your the captain?" She said with a smile.  A beautiful smile. No seavey stop that. I said to myself.

"Mj, Daniel is our captain. You can meet with everyone else as the end of practice." He clapped his hands together and looked back at everyone. "Drills lets go!"

And we were off.

Let's see how you play, Mj.

Wowow number 2 beaches. I don't have anything to say except that the first couple chapters are the same day but it's not like that after tho. Yeet.

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