"Would you rather that I did?"

The room fell silent as they battled each other in their minds, until finally, Tommy sat down next to her, folding his arms.

"You know that I care for you," He told her, in a raspy monotone voice.

"Oh please, I can always tell what you're thinking."

"Well, how did you think I would react when I find out my younger sister ran away to become a raider, one of the vilest creatures in this world."

"One of the vilest things? Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"That's uncalled for!" He stood up enraged, "You're not the best looking right now either! At least my looks have benefits," he glances quickly at the mirror, running a finger down the scars caused by his ghoulification.

"So," He looked away from the mirror and ran his fingers through the little hair he had left, "why did you come back?"

She let out a shaky breath and rested her hands in her lap.

"I met a guy-"

"A raider?"

"Let me finish the story!"

"Ok," he shrugged defeatedly and sat down again.

"I met a raider," she glared at him then returned to look into the mirror, "in the second year I was gone. I had joined this one group working near this abandoned apartment building complex in Lexington. It was a good set up. We would attack caravans from above and then relocate to always have the upper hand on trade routes. He was a raider who would give us our information straight from Bunker Hill. He'd sometimes come down and take his share of the spoils.

"It wasn't that long until we noticed each other. Raiders don't like talking about personal shit. But he was different. Maybe it's because he worked out of Bunker Hill. His name was Rig.

"He promised that... that he would.... He'd take me away into a settlement and set up shop there. He found out I was the main weapon keeper in the group really. He said he'd take me away.

"But I didn't want to leave at first. I had left the Zone to explore the 'wealth in the first place- to live and see all the ruins. It took a while before I soon became bored with our set-up. That's when I decided to run. My gang followed me all the way to Boston. I may have stolen all their ammo," she chuckled and rubbed her sore eye.

"I couldn't find Rig. He was supposed to be at the Old Corner bookstore, waiting for me. But he wasn't there and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go. Please, can I stay here for a while? Just until my old gang passes through and gives up?"

She grabbed his scarred hands and pleaded with her eyes.

"Alright. Just until everything cools down. I still don't know if I want to forgive you for leaving this place to me. But I made some improvements, so no caps were lost when you left."

"Yeah, I heard. So you're letting in Raiders now?"

"Who told you?"


"Of course. Yes, I am. They surprisingly have good caps. They'll pay anything to drink beer and watch a fight."

"Well, if that's everything-" he stood up and stretched his back and glanced back at her, eager to go back to running the Zone.

"Not exactly... you see..."


"I came back for another reason as well, Tommy."

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