being ignore.

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Ya ever been ignored like there's that one person your trying to talk to and there not responding like there deaf or your trying to text someone and they didn't have the decent to even open your text. then you think something wrong so you try to call them AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN PICK UP.  AND ITS NOT LIKE YOUR DOING IT FRECENTLY NOO..  YOU  TWO WERE IN THE MIDDLE PF CHATTING AND THEN THEY JUST STOP TALKI WITHOUT ANY WARNING AND YPU PUT LIKE AND HOUR BETWEEN  TEXT LIKE "hello?" "Ya still there?", AND BEEN QEEK SINCE THEY SAID ANYTHING AND YOU START TO THINK SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS AND THEN..... You see them on social media. And you comment on one of there comments or try to dm them. But no. They don't respond. So now your sitting here in Wattpad writing a vent about them... Just thinking they might actually i Don't know see it MAYBE TALK TO YOU!, But you Know what it's fine. It's fine IM NOT SALTY AT ALL NOPE....

It hurts ya know. It really dose. But hey.... You don't care... Do you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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