They were now all standing in the middle of an unfrequented trail framed by high and leafy oaks.

They all looked at each other. Goodbyes were the final step before triggering the mission.

Banner came up to her first and smiled awkwardly. She smiled too. His social skills were as poor as his science research were brilliant. Bruce had always been better at handling lab instruments than people. Him becoming the Hulk only widened the gap between the latter and himself.

Stark followed.

'Make us proud, Romanoff,' he said lightly as he put a surprisingly brotherly hand on her shoulder.

'I wish I could hammer you with it for the rest of your life once it's all over but alas you won't remember any of it.'

He fondly smiled at her. 'Isn't life cruel?'

He stepped away but then halted and turned to point to her. 'Seriously though, Romanoff. Tell us everything when you come back. At least tell me, I promise you I'll buy the whole time travel to save the Cap's neck story.'

It was good to see Tony going back to his bad habits.

Maria Hill came up and gently held her elbow.

'Good luck,' she said warmly, paused for a few seconds, then went on to check the perimeter was secure.

Fury stepped up to her with a smirk on.

'I could probably tell you you were my best agent but I won't because that would mean this is a goodbye. I count on you to prove me right and come back.' He put his hands on each side of her shoulders and allowed the hint of a smile to make an appearance. This was the closest he had ever been to show his respect and his affection. 'It's an order.'

'Thank you,' she answered, almost bashful but extremely proud.

Clint was the last. He stood there, watching her silently with a hard frown that inevitably softened.

'I wish I were mad at you but I'm not,' he said with a smirk then pulled her in for a hug.

She wrapped her arms around him, clutching to his shoulders to collect all the strength she would need to go through this mission. Only two people in her life had this power to breathe heroism and nobility into her. One was Clint, the other had passed away one week earlier.

She had kept telling everyone she wanted to bring Steve back for the team, for people, but really, she was mostly bringing her back for her. Because he had always inspired to act like a hero; to do the right thing. And look now, even dead, he had emboldened her to be a hero and sacrifice herself to travel to the unknown. She needed him around to keep doing those beautiful things.

'I'm so proud of you,' Clint whispered into her ear as if he had understood it too. He didn't see it but it raised a genuine smile on her lips. Both couldn't ignore the fact that this might be the last time they'd ever see each other.

'Take care of yourself while I'm away,' she teased with a sneer. 'You know I won't be around to save your neck this time again.'

He chuckled lightly.

'Just come back, okay?' he whispered.

'You don't trust me?' she answered.

He pulled away to look her in the eye.

'It's that rusty lapel pin I don't trust.'

He turned his head to look in Thor's direction. 'Offense intended.'

The Asgardian God furrowed his brows.

"What is this lapel pin, exactly?' he asked so sternly for such a ridiculous object it made the two spies smile.

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