A New Divination Teacher

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October 9, 1979

In the Headmaster's office, ALBUS carefully writes a letter on his desk, while rubbing his forehead. The Pensieve lies quietly next to him. The door opens, and MINERVA enters.

MINERVA: Evening, Headmaster.

ALBUS: Good evening, Minerva. I hope it's not disciplinary actions keeping you up this late?

MINERVA: Just Barty Crouch, Jr. sneaking out again. Nothing a little detention can't solve.

MINERVA sits in one of the chairs in front of the desk and purses her lips.

MINERVA: How are the arrangements?

ALBUS: It's just awful, Minerva. Those brothers taken at the same time, and the poor Prewett family in shambles- I could have prevented it.

MINERVA: No. Their fault lies with Bellatrix Lestrange and Emma Vanity, alone. No one else.

ALBUS: The fault is mine, Minerva. Every death that comes out of this war. On either side.

MINERVA: (sighing) Have you visited Molly yet?

ALBUS: Several times. She's got a full house to deal with as it is, she doesn't have time to grieve.

MINERVA: That poor woman. I couldn't imagine losing both my brothers in one night.

ALBUS: Humans have a miraculous ability to cope with the unimaginable.

ALBUS rests his wand to his temple, and drags a memory out of head. He carefully sifts it in the Pensieve while MINERVA watches thoughtfully.

MINERVA: Oh, by the way- with Professor Greyson's retirement. There are several applicants for the open Divination post.

ALBUS: Ah. Yes.

MINERVA: Have you considered what I advised you?

ALBUS: I have. And while I do think that Divination is an integral subject to magical education, I can't deny the fact that teaching it to non-Seers is rather counterproductive. Our best option might be to shut down the class altogether.

MINERVA: It's just a rather imprecise branch of magic. Leave it to the Unspeakables in the Department of mysteries to study it, I say. Give the students freedom from it.

ALBUS: Perhaps, Minerva. But I will still meet with these applicants, to at least give them a fair chance. After all, what world do we live in if not one that values equality and tolerance?

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