Ask 1 [That was Fast]

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Andro: Alright everyone, we have a dare from, LuckyLoto12.

Andro: The question says:

"Are yall... S i n g l e ~ ? "


All: Yes


Wingdings: That's still  an odd question.

Fell: Welp eh, I am, tell ya straight out. No one has the fuckin guts to get with me, yeah I'm single.

Wingdings: Hm... well... I don't think so. The last person I was with kind of left me without a trace, so Yes I'm indeed single.

Andro: *completely clueless to this whole situation* ???? Huh?

Swap: I did see Muffet for a short time but, she had to take care of Muffet's and work kind of got in the way, So yeah! Tra~La~la, I'm single to.

Stars: But I do know which two of you have a crush in here~ *looks at both wingdings and swap* (XD I am sorry but I ship wingdings and swap, you can kill me )

Both Swap and Wingdings: *turn red in the face.... OKAY YOU know what i mean!*

Andro: What is a.... crush?

Everyone: What?

Andro: That was my question.

Wingdings: Wait one second...

Wingdings: WHAT.

Andro: Did I ask something wrong? Oh, I'm sorry if I did...

Swap: *star eyes* Oh no it's fine!, GUYSHEDOSEN'TKNOWOHMYGOSH.

Stars: Alright Swap calm down, this is very interesting.

Andro: ._.

Fell: Eh probably's like me. Except he's too soft.

B: Fell be nice, no everyone is as tough as you are and It can be rude to say so.

Fell: So what? They man up and deal with it.

Swap: Fell, please, can we not argue just this once? This is a once in a lifetime moment.

Andro: Gosh this is uncomfortable....-_-;

Wingdings: A brief but intense infatuation for someone, is the definition of a crush. Informally called Puppy love. If I remember correctly.


B: Andro where exactly do you live?

Andro: I actually don't live with my kind. I live in the stars.

Wingdings: So you live in space, that explains why you can breathe there.

Andro: Correct. This is actually the first time I've made contact with other monsters for a while.

Stars: That probably explains it... due time will come when he will know.

Andro: I'm so confused...

Andro: Anyways despite that random confusing talk. I'll end this ask here and we will answer the following ones.

Admin: *pops on* Oh! And Andro will kind of run this book, I'm a little to hyper and Just Bleh it drains me.

Andro: Goodnight/Day everyone!

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