Safe house and the Water of Sight

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"I'm Tethyst." 

"Like the Goddess Tethys?" 

"I am her. just add the 't' at the end. I'm also Kali, and Destrugere." I sate. 

"We need your help. I had a vision. I need to find a sacred body of water, that will give me answers." He explains.

"Okay, Why are you here?" He asks me. 

"I need answers also. I can see the future, but this will give me the real version." I say. Selvig nods. "Okay, I will help you find it."

"Thank you Eric." Selvig just nods.

WE were in a cave, with water dripping off the walls, we were behind Selvig, with him saying, "So this is it. The Water of Sight."

"In every Realm, there's a reflection." Thor says. 

"If the water spirits accept us, we can return to my dream and find what I missed."

"Men who enter that water, the legends don't end well." 

"Good thing I'm no man." I say. and crouch beside Thor. 

I sink into the water. With Thor behind me. I see Stark, in a techy place, working on a computer. "A hacker who's faster than Ultron? He could be anywhere, and is this the center of everything, I'm just a guy looking for a needle in the worlds biggest haystack." 

"And how do you find it?" A girl asks. 

"It's pretty simple. You bring a magnet." 

"Ohhh, I'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to." Tony sings, tapping a few keys. "Come and get me." He says before I'm brought back into the cave with Thor. I slip above the water, breathing in. I only get a few seconds of me-time before I was brought back under with fire and weird looking makeup on,  I see Thor, he's looking around, with his Asgardian clothes, and hammer in his hand. "Wake up!" A man demands, pushing Thor, then he's going all zappy-zappy I see lightning, then Ultron, the scepter and it breaking, I see Thor engulfed with lightning bolts, and hear, "Extinction," then the world blowing up in yellow light. The scepter broke, a yellow stone was in it, a iron ball broke, a purple stone in it, red liquid formed a red stone, a blue cube broke into a blue stone, They all lined up, then I was flung out of the vision. 

I looked at Thor, breathy heavily, and had a silent conversation with our eyes. We then nod at each other. "Selvig, take us to Jane," Thor demands, stepping out of the water.

"You sure? You haven't seen her since London." 

"I'm sure." He says, I dry with a towel, and put my shirt back on. 

"Let's go to Jane, then." I say. 

"JANE?!" Eric asked, walking into an apartment. 

"Eric?" I thought you were in London still." A beautiful woman says, walking around the corner. She freezes when she see's Thor. 


"It's me." He states.

"And whose this?" 

"A friend." I state. I could feel that Jane was jealous. 

"Oh. umm, would you like coffee?" She asks. 

THOR AND I marched into the Avengers tower, going up the stairs, and marching into the room with the cradle. Thor and I jumped on top of it and forced lightning into it. We then were pushed back with a blast of light, a cloud of smoke emerged out of the cradle. A man was crouched, red and purple all over. I looked around the room. Wanda was here. So was Pietro, but he was in a hole. I stood up and slowly walked to the man. He looks at all of us, then attacks me. But I throw him away, and through a glass wall. that will hurt in the morning. I thought. He stops at the window, over looking New York.   

Thor and I hold up our hands, in a stop gesture, and Steve looks at us wearily. We all look at the red man, whose not doing anything, and then materializes a suit. Thor places his hammer down. 

The rest of the team walks down the stairs. Including Wanda. "You were right." She says to me. Pietro runs backwards to his sister.  The man slowly levitates to the floor and says, "I'm sorry, that was....odd. Thank you." He says to me. I nod. "Tethyst, you helped create this?" Steve demands. 

"We've had a vision: A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center...-" I point to the stone.- "is that." I explain. 

"What the gem?" Bruce asks. 

"It's the mind stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor explains.

"Then why would you bring it here?" Steve demands.

"Because Stark's right." I say. 

"Ohh, it's definitely the end of time." Bruce says. 

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron." I say.

"Not alone." The man says.

"Why does your Vision sound like JARVIS?" Steve asks. 

"We reconfigured JARVIS' matrix, to create something new." Tony says.

"I've think I've had my fill with new." Steve says. 

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?"

"You're not?" Steve asks. 

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS either. I am..." He trails off.

"I looked in you head, and I saw annihilation." Wanda says. 

"Look again." The man states.

"Yeah, her self-approval means jack to me." Clint says, walking into the room. 

"But do you care about mine?  I'm older than anyone in the room. Even Thor. I know how the world works. I know right and wrong, and this is right." I say. No one says anything for a while, knowing that I'm right.

"Their power, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself They all came from the mind stone. And nothing compared to what it could unleash. But with it on our side-"

"Is it? Are you? On our side?"  Steve demands.

"I don't think it's that simple.-" "Well it better get real simple real soon." Clint states-  "I am on the side of life, Ultron isn't. He will end it all."

"What's he waiting for?" Tony asks.


"Where?" Pietro demands 

"Sokovia. He's got Nat there too." Clint says.

"He got Nat?" I ask myself. Bruce steps toward the Vision. 

"If we're wrong about you...if you're the monster Ultron made you to be..."

"What will you do?" Vision-guy asks. 

He looks at all of us. "I don't want to kill Ultron, he's unique. And he's in pain. But the train will roll over the earth. So he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, Every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us, can do it without the others.... Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are." He says, looking at his hands. "I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we nee to go." he says summoning the mjolnir to his hand. I gape. I can do that, and I bet Cap could also, but, it was still surprising.  

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