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I could feel Calum shake softly as he let out a loud laugh. He kept his arm draped over my shoulder but made no effort what so ever to involve me in his conversation. At times I felt as if I was only an accessory to Calum's charade of popularity.

"Lex, Jesus Alexis are you even listening?" Calum plead. I hadn't been listening to their conversation as I didn't care much as to which girl his jock friends had made out with at last nights party.

"What? Oh sorry" I shrugged.

"We're going out to the beach tonight for a bonfire, can you get your brother to pick up some beer?" Calum asked.

I nodded and gave him a slight smile. I wasn't in the mood to put up a fight with Calum in front of all his friends. He placed a finger under my chin and perked my head up to lay a small kiss on my lips before quickly adding to the conversation at place.

I didn't know why I put up with Calum's constant partying, but being with him felt natural and safe. We'd been together since we were kids and things had just become routine, we were comfortable together.

I slammed the door shut to announce that I was home incase my brother had another girl sleeping over. I'd walked in on him with low self-esteem college girls one too many times. I threw my bag and jacket down at the front door, planning to move them later. I walked into the kitchen and stared in the open fridge, before deciding on some leftover spaghetti.

"Mark" I sighed as my brother lazily walked into the kitchen grabbing the container of spaghetti from me. "It's almost three did you just wake up?" I worried about him. He had taken a year off from university after deciding he was bored with the program he had been taking. The past few months all he had done was slum around the house and go to ridiculous frat parties.

"It's nice to see you too Lex" he replied sarcastically.

"Calum asked if you could pick up some beer for some bonfire tonight" I asked before I forgot."

"Yeah sure what kind?" he asked uninterested.

"The alcoholic kind?" I responded questionably. I was never much for drinking therefore I didn't pay attention to what kind Calum usually got.

Mark sighed and took his plate of spaghetti out of the microwave, wincing as he came in contact with the hot plate. He left the room, most probably resuming his previous position in his room.

It was already seven and I hadn't heard dad come home yet. Worried I knocked on Mark's door, "Hey is dad coming home tonight?" I asked slowly opening the door to his now pitch black room.

I heard a grunt and Mark turn over in his bed to get away from the light I had let pool in. "Shit Lex shut the door, he's working late get out." I backed away shutting the door quietly behind me. Realizing that I had to meet Calum soon, I ran upstairs to get ready.

Social Casualty// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now