Chapter 6: The truth...

Start from the beginning

He looked into her eyes once more and got up from the bed realizing what he was doing. "I'm sorry your grace if you require anything else I will be outside the door." He nodded in respect and left the room with haste. She laid back in the bed thinking of the guard, he reminded her of Jon in the way he acted around her and how gentle he was. After a few minutes, she came to the realization that the guard atop the wall of Winterfell reminded her of Jon too and she felt comfortable around both. It can't be, she thought. She knows there is such magic but it was the magic of the faceless men and Jon couldn't be such a man.

She shot up from the bed and rushed to the door in hope of finding the guard outside her door but she was disappointed to find Ser Jorah their. She had missed him again, he had been here the whole time and she had missed it. Ser Jorah looked at her suspiciously, "What is it, your grace?" He asked she signed in frustration.

"Where is the Guard who was out here not too long ago, he was tall, dark long hard and long bushy beard" She spoke quickly, she hoped he knew whom she was talking about. She needed to find him and if she finds him she would find Jon.

"His shift had ended your grace, he most likely went to the great hall for supper or to get some rest, your grace." He answered, he was confused but she didn't care, she looked down the hall thinking she could make it to the great hall. She didn't want to miss him again. "You need rest, your grace. Lyanna has been worried all day and cried all this morning after hearing the news. You will need your rest when she comes and visits you again tomorrow" He spoke probably noticing the way she looked down the hall.

"What do you mean again, how long have I been asleep?" She asked confused. And she was upset by the fact her daughter had seen her that way, she wanted to shout at however allowed her to come and visit her while she was unconscious but she knew Lyanna was not one to be told no, she would have argued her way to her mother's chambers. She was a Dragonwolf after all.

"It has been 2 days your grace and I'm glad to see you awake. But still you need to get some more rest it is the hour of the wolf, your grace, I will have supper brought to your room if it would please you" He said and on queue her stomach rumbled indicating she was very pleased with the idea of having supper brought to her room. She didn't realize till know how distracted she had been from the fact she felt like she hadn't eaten in a number of days.

"Yes, have the guard bring it up, I need to speak with him." She knew Jorah wanted an explanation but he didn't ask he only nodded in respect and left to do as he was told. She moved back to her room and back into her bed waiting impatiently for Jon to come through the door with her supper she didn't know what she was more excited for. 'No, not any more' that was what he said, he said he wasn't Jon but he was he acted the same when he was wearing the faces, she had worked it out. He had been here this whole time watching over her and their daughter, well that is what she believed, she could be wrong.

The door opened slowly, and she held her breath in anticipation but was disappointed to see Ser Jorah walked through the door with a tray of food and she felt her appetite subside. "Your Grace, no-one has seen the guard you speak of since he finished his shift." She knew it was too late to know but she also knew he was somewhere around always watching most likely in a new face after their interaction. Ser Jorah placed the trey on the table and left the room.

She was left alone once again, left alone with her thoughts but that was what she wanted. She fell asleep soon after she had eaten her supper, her mind wondering to Jon and his many faces. Why would he come back know? Why had he even left and made them believe he was dead for all these years? All these questions plagued her mind and her dreams as she slowly drifted to sleep.


Dany woke feeling pain in her side, she winced as she tried to get up but the pain called her back to her bed. Dany was interrupted by the door opening, she watched as Lyanna burst through the door Sansa walking in behind her rolling her eyes at her niece. "Momma" She jumped on the bed causing Dany to wince in pain, Lyanna noticed this a swiftly apologized Dany smiled and brought her into her embrace. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up, I was scared you would leave like dadda" She whispered into the crook of her neck, her heart dropped at her words. She pulled back so she could see her little face, her violet eyes filled with tears.

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