Head truama Nose bleeds.. clean machines

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* HEAD THOUGHTS, FLASH BACKS, NOSE BLEEDS *                                   I never thought about love, in its own way or how it worked or what it was, I hated the fact that it was a thing because, I, have never experienced it. Nor will I ever. I can barely talk to mike as it is. I'm walking down the hallways of high school, it's more like hell-school, doesn't make sense but.. I'm not complaining at least I can make up creative names.
I sit in class, boys would stare.. even some girls, i have no idea what their looking at.. I'm nothing to stare at. My hair isn't even as long.. it's fake. I go to a public school, I always have to sit by mike. Because he helps explain things to me.                     

I'm currently where reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. the boys are all goo goo eyes for me. Please save me I only have half eaten eggo's waffle I'm saving for later.. hope its enough to get me out of this class.. at least mentally.*          

* I heard a new boy was going to be in my next hour, and I'm thinking oh.. great, another goo goo eyed Boy. * talking quiet to self *  standing up, i pick up the teacher's book  slamming it onto the floor, I storm out with a smirk, some girls faint along with a jock or two-. slowly and quietly, i run off with a smirk I walk out into the hallway, I never really liked reading anyway. Even though it's the easiest.. that teacher isn't worth my time. At all, I mean, by all means she can be six feet under. I hate being so mean, but I mean c'mon. I'm sure you've had a teacher you hate, or hate now it's so  impossible for someone to like every single teacher unless you're a nerd.. or teachers ..pet? I don't mind those people just don't expose all out on me on school work, cus.. I'm going to fall asleep right in front of you. Most likely.
I walk farther skipping class, I'm shocked teachers or hall monitors haven't caught me or saw me yet. Very very shocking. They usually crack down on that kind of- ..stuff
I've suddenly bumped into someone, who's taller than me.. way taller and I can only look up by far, big dark red glasses. Long chocolate lightly twirled locks, black skinny jeans, and a dark beige long sweater, he has the same colored shoes as me.. mustard yellow.. converse, his eyes are so dark green.. so easy to get lost into his skin is a honey glow tan.. it's not fake either like most of the guys.. yes boys get fake tans too in this hell hole.. he has a light mustache not noticeable but cute.. and rings all over his fingers.. there cute.. he has  hair is so lightly curled I just.. wanna grab it and lightly wrap his hair around my fingers. I bet if he where to have those pants off.. he'd be a little prettier, he seems like he'd be dumb.. but oh so so sweet he's  adorable, almost even tasteful.. a sweet piece of candy.. with a hint of salt..one of those hot red cinnamon taffies. That can't get out of you're mouth once you put it to you're lips, I tiptoe to his height, he seems so shy.. maybe scared. And he should be scared I'm stack of waffles to stare at.. but the way he smells.. like the smell of a man out of a hot shower, the voice of rough silk, and he's as tall as a six foot five.. I've been working on the I've got a Brian.. I'm sure he does too but does he have super powers, man I hate bragging but he has to know he has to look into my eyes as he has to agree that I'm his.. that way I can have him for ever he has to know and believe that I'm his and he's mine.. my heart just mellowed for him.. that kinda soft .. soft but rough.. , maybe becoming sweeter like a honey bee.. but that tall boy.. right in front of me he should be scared.. cus I can't and don't wanna control my actions I do what my mind and heart thinks is right..  maybe the answer.. making out with him like mike did once I didn't know what it meant it just made me smile or maybe slowly pulling onto his hair.    

these thoughts.. but he could be mine.. he will be my boy .. my friend for life just like mike.. never thought I'd say this but Shakespeare maybe right.. it's love at first sight.. nothing will be in my way.
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