Becky starts to put on clothes, continuing laughing. “Okay, fine I will listen to you, but how will I leave? There is only one exist and entrance, and they both happen to be the same door. Your mom is going to see me either way.” She makes a good point.

“How am I supposed to know? You can just..." I fling hands up the air, since I am lost for words. Then I notice a perfectly jumpable window, above my bed. "Go through there." I suggest to her with a smile. Good thinking Kimberly, I deserve a pat on my back.

“There's absolutely no way am jumping through that window. I ain’t no criminal, besides we didn’t do anything wrong there is no need for me to hide. Why can't I leave through the front door?”She has finished putting on her clothes and now she is fixing her hair.

“Kimmy" I hear a knock on my bedroom door. “I’m coming in now, to see if you are okay." I hear and feel my mother’s hands on the vintage door knobs, my hips as I press against the door with all of my energy. 

"Go in the bathroom for now." I frantically push Becky in the bathroom, closing the door tightly. In a hurry I run out of the bedroom to greet my smiling mother, with a delicious smelling plate of food.

"Morning, mom thanks for breakfast." I kiss my mother on her cheek and in a swift motion I happily take the plate of food from her hands. “It smells delicious and it tastes delicious as well." I continue to say while I chew some of the food.

Graciously, my mother pulls out a chair for me from my dining room set, and we take a seat. As I drink some water I peer around my immaculate apartment. My mother has cleaned everything: the dishes are washed, the floor is swept and the tables are squeaky clean. So that means she must know that Becky is here! Suddenly, I am not feeling so well after all.

“The only reason it tastes good is because I made with love for my baby girl." she pinches my cheek, almost causing my grits to fall out of my mouth. “Slow down honey, there is no need to rush; we don’t go to church until 11.” When she mentions church some of the grits fall out of my mouth.

"Mom I'm eating right now, can we talk later." In response she only laughs at me.

I turn towards my mother, to see her staring at me. “Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" she puts her hand around my chair, and I can see tenderness in her eyes.

"Yes, mom you have told me this before."

“And I will keep on telling you, because it is the truth. You are a very successful black woman and you deserve a very successful black man.” Here we go again. Ever since I came back from Chicago she has been mentioning marriage and how she wants some grand babies. It is so annoying. Yes I am twenty-eight, I know I am old, but I don’t need to be reminded of this every single day.

My mom leaves the table gracefully and she heads to towards the television. “This reminds me I got call from Donte yesterday. I hope you’re okay with him coming over today. ?”

“Really, Donte’s coming to dinner tonight?” Even though there is food in my mouth an enormous smile forms on my partly sleepy face.

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