Chapter 1: New School, New Me?

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I was never a model child. I guess there was just something wrong with me.

It wasn't my epilepsy, causing me to have moments of where I'd blank out. Nor was it my Asperger's, making everything way to emotional and difficult. No, it wasn't just the fact I was abused for the first 8 or so years of my life either.

I can't really explain what was wrong with me, it just felt like...

I didn't belong. Not in this timeline, or in this body, if that makes sense? I don't know, it's weird.
But like, what's weirder is that sometimes I'll see my reflection, and just think;

"Who is this girl? Why am I in her body?"

I guess that's just how I am.

Whatever. My name is Cocoa Jemmason. I am 16 years old, and currently standing in front of my new school.

I uh, kinda got expelled from my old one. 

For getting into a fight.


But it's not my fault this time! They were going to punch my friend!

That doesn't matter though. This time I have a foolproof plan.

No friends! This is a new school, which means I need to become a different Cocoa. This Cocoa will be emotionless- I scold my self, shaking my smile off my face. Emotions make you likeable.

I don't want people to like me. I don't want to-

"Hey, new girl!" An overenthusiastic voice yells out, and I flinch.


(231 words, which is 28 words more then my old one! Good job me! UvU)

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