Ch. 9- Quinjet Adventures

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Since the Avengers decided to celebrate SHIELD no longer being compromised at Disneyland, Tony booked the whole park. Again. The entire flight there they all sat there and told stories.

"Did I ever tell you guys about that ti-"

"Yes Tony, you told us about the time you flew through a wormhole to space. We know," said Steve.

"Oh. Ok then. What abo-"

"Oh my god Tony we know you almost destroyed the world multiple times," Sam said.

Steve said, "It's an issue you seem to have. You almost destroy the world actually all the time."

All Tony said was, "Oh."

Steve told stories about World War 2. Occasionally Bucky would join in too. You could see them get choked up a bit but they kept going. Steve clearly missed Peggy, but the way he looked at Natasha was so adorable.

Wanda found a dime that she spun around in the air. She was listening to everyone but she liked having something to do. It was also helping her develop her powers.

Sam and Vision sat across from each other. Sam just stared at him the entire flight with this evil smirk on his face. He thought to himself, Vision's going to get it.

Clint sat and watched Wanda. He thought that her powers were so fascinating.

Suddenly, the quinjet flew into a storm. There was lightning all around them. They started losing altitude.

A/N- What could it be? Sorry that I'm so terrible at romance. Anyways, thanks for almost 500 reads! I can't even believe it. I know this chapter was short but it's just setting up the next few.

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