The Supreme Master of Roasting

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The weekend before the field trip had come and gone, and Peter was feeling slightly better about going. He'd checked with Mr. Stark, and none of the Avengers would be at the tower on Wednesday. They would all be at the compound training because they would have a mission the following week.

Mr. Stark didn't mention his field trip, so he was assuming that his mentor didn't know about it. That alone was a miracle in itself. If he did know, it would be a no mercy zone, and no mercy with Iron Man was not fun.

Peter was hoping that Natasha hadn't found out either. Nat would be just as bad as Mr. Stark. But he had talked to her over the weekend too, and she didn't seem to know about it. Then again, she was a spy for years before her identities were exposed.

Pepper was the only one who would be at the tower. She generally spent a lot more time there than other places. Most of the meetings regarding SI were at the tower, although sometimes she would have to travel.

With this information, Peter felt that he'd be relatively safe on the field trip. He knew many of the interns who worked at the tower. That would disprove the popular theory that Peter was lying about his internship if he wanted his class to believe him. But since he'd be with his class, he knew they would keep their distance for the day.

He met up with Ned as he walked to school, Peter's friend was munching on an almost burnt bagel. They lived on the same block, so they usually walked together. Having their houses so close to each other made it easy to hang out often. MJ's house was on the other side of Midtown, so normally May would drive Peter if he went to her house.

Today, Ned was insanely energetic. Actually, it wasn't much different from the last few days. Peter's friend wouldn't stop talking about the trip. He kept getting messages way too early in the morning for Ned, and the only reason he answered was because he was on patrol anyways.

It was a little overwhelming, having to be with an excited Ned. Yeah, he loved him and all, they're bros. But it was starting to test Peter's patience. Half a week was a long time.

MJ didn't even help him, she just sat and watched Peter answer question after question like "what if..." and "do you think..." She always had some sort of book, and Ned would start spewing questions. So MJ would just smirk into her book, pretending like she wasn't seeing any of it.

"Do you think I'll get to meet Iron Man?" The interrogation began.

"You've already met him, Ned." Peter pointed out.

"But he's so cool. You're really lucky you get to spend so much time with him. Hey, do you think if I could remake the experimental spider and let it bite me, that I'd get powers too? Do you think Tony Stark would make me a suit?" Rambled the boy.

"Um. I don't know, Ned. Maybe." Peter replied, not exactly sure how to answer those questions.

"What would happen if you have kids? Would they have powers like you? What if something happened in the womb and they grew eight legs?" At this point Peter wasn't even listening.

"You have super strength right? How much can you lift? Do you think you can lift more than Captain America? Can you break his shield? I heard it's made out if vibranium. Can you break vibranium? Does that mean you could break the Winter Soldier's arm? It's made out of vibranium too, right?" Ned paused to take a bite of his bagel. Peter wasn't even sure if he swallowed before he began talking again.

"How much vibranium do you think they keep in Wakanda? I heard that all their structures are made of it. Is Black Panther's suit made of vibranium? I heard that his sister makes all of his tech. Do you think she'll be like the next Tony Stark? I wonder if she's hot." Peter almost missed a step when he heard the last question.

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