"That's impossible," she breathed.

"That's exactly what Professor Cutter said," Becker informed, replacing the sheet over the body. "I found this guy rifling through Cutter's locker. He'd used Sarah's pass to get in, so I think he must have stolen it from her." He sighed, reliving his memories of the day previously. "I think Cutter would like to see you. He gave me express instructions to send you to see him once you'd viewed the body."

"Oh, that's very thoughtful of him," Clara replied dryly, though she sighed when she caught Becker watching her curiously. "Sorry. Doesn't matter. Thank you, Captain."

"Oh, it's just Becker," he called after her as she left, but Clara didn't hear. She walked to Cutter's office, knocking once on the door before entering. He was leaning over his desk, immersed in whatever he was reading, and so hadn't even noticed that Clara had entered.

"I saw the body," she announced her presence, closing the door with a soft click behind her. Nick turned around, finally noticing her.

"Please tell me I'm not going crazy," he begged.

"That's the guy I saw at the canal. The one that punched you," she told him. "But, I thought you said he died? He got killed in the Silurian, didn't he?"

"Or so I thought," Nick muttered. "But there could be another explanation for this." Clara wracked her brains for a moment, before putting her finger on what Nick was insinuating.

"You don't think this is Helen's doing?" She asked, her eyebrows raised. He just shrugged, leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest.

"Possibly," he said. "You know as well as I do that she's more than capable. She was the one who gave the technology to Leek that enabled him to control the future predators, remember."

"Yes, but bringing someone back from the dead?" Clara doubted. "I don't think anyone could do that, not even Helen. This is assuming that he is dead, of course."

"Why would I lie?" Cutter pointed out.

"I didn't say you were lying," Clara defended. "You could just be mistaken."

"I don't make mistakes," he deadpanned.

"Yeah, I know," she sighed, knowing he was right. This whole time, he'd never made one mistake regarding the anomalies, and Clara really respected him for that. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Nick shook his head, one side of his mouth lifting into a smile. He stood up straight, unfolding his arms, as though he remembered something. He eyed her curiously, inspecting her.

"What are you doing?" Clara questioned.

"Jenny called yesterday and said you were injured," he informed her, and Clara rolled her eyes. She'd forgotten about that. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she assured. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

Nick raised his head, looking at her sharply. "Don't say that," he said firmly.

"Sorry," Clara replied instantly, taken aback. Nick sighed, dismissing it.

"Come on," he smiled, taking her hand. "I have something to show you." Warily, Clara allowed herself to be dragged - not for the first time in half an hour - into the room with the matrix inside. She couldn't help but smile widely at the sight of the amazing contraption.

"This will never not take my breath away," she told him softly, and he grinned as he closed the door.

"It gets better," he promised, and he let go of her hand. "Right, lie here." Nick positioned Clara so she was laid underneath the middle of the matrix. "And close your eyes." She obeyed, butterflies squirming excitedly in her stomach as she wondered what he had in store for her.

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